Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 29 19:25:02 EDT 2005 | matjen
I found a place that exchanges old nozzles for new ones; thanks for the inputs though.
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 28 19:56:20 EDT 2005 | matjen
I am in the process of searching for anyone that does repair on fuji cp6 nozzles .7 & 1.0 mainly, We have an abundance of bent and broken nozzles that I would like to get repaired rather than throwing out so if anyone has information on this please
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 29 09:05:38 EDT 2005 | jdengler
Try http://www.smtresearch.com/ But the price is not much cheaper than new ones.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 30 10:11:47 EDT 2005 | Stefan
Here is another one: http://www.cotinc.com/product_range.htm
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 29 03:23:10 EDT 2005 | dougs
We used to use a company in the uk that did this, we stopped as the results were never that good, i think the company stopped offering the service as well as no-one else wanted to have their nozzles repaired, it's best to get new nozzles in and make
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 29 03:47:12 EDT 2005 | fastek
I'm confused. Aren't Fuji nozzles like $20 each? Why bother? I would hope you understand that a nozzle not properly repaired could cause $50 worth of rework in about a minute after you installed it. Stepping over dimes to pick up pennies comes to min
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 11 06:57:22 EDT 2015 | cyber_wolf
Linux, The amount of error that you are describing is about the thickness of a human hair. Unless you are placing 0201's I can't understand why .12 is an issue. There are many factors that can effect placement accuracy on a CP6 For instance: 1. M
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 17 07:48:20 EST 2008 | muarty
Just trialled some NXT nozzles from SMT Xtra - very impressed by the quality of them, I would guess that their CP nozzles would be of similar standard. Had mixed results whilst using Metro nozzles for CP6 equipment, found lengths varying etc. You co
Electronics Forum | Tue May 20 14:25:06 EDT 2008 | cyber_wolf
We use SMT Research nozzles. They are excellent.As good as if not better than OEM...in my opinion. We have been looking at some other possible suppliers such as Metro. We have CP4's and CP6's Any insight much appreciated.
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 13 14:52:12 EDT 2000 | Jason
Dear Mr. Fields, SMT Parts, USA (San Jose, CA) supplies the light dispertion disk for the CP6 nozzles. Call Mr. David Lombard at 1-831-477-1518 Hope this helps. Jason Robotham Tekmart