Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 29 14:30:38 EST 2019 | younes
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 31 02:59:18 EST 2006 | jgarver1
You also should check to make sure you have blow off at the placing station set properly. I have seen machines with the flow control valve shut completely off not release parts properly. The parts end up in the scrap bin and the machine thinks they
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 29 19:25:02 EDT 2005 | matjen
I found a place that exchanges old nozzles for new ones; thanks for the inputs though.
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 28 19:56:20 EDT 2005 | matjen
I am in the process of searching for anyone that does repair on fuji cp6 nozzles .7 & 1.0 mainly, We have an abundance of bent and broken nozzles that I would like to get repaired rather than throwing out so if anyone has information on this please
Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 07 19:16:54 EDT 2015 | linux
Hello everyone, I'm looking for help with placement issue on our cp6 Fuji. On occasion we have to adjust co ordinates on the x and y axis usually about 0.12mm. Ball screw was replaced did not fix issue. Anything else we could try. Thanks everyone
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 29 19:33:12 EDT 2005 | matjen
After the machine stops for any reason when restarted the z table goes to loader position comes up then goes back down and re-reads the fiducials, only one machine does this but we are losing valuable cycle time after every part change. We have Fuji
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 28 19:29:31 EDT 2022 | SMTA-68235204
What are some of the types of tool storage that you use for the assembly work stations?
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 14 08:19:19 EST 2005 | cguerrero
Has anyone had issues with their glue stations. After our software upgrades it seems to not be working properly. We have had it slam into the pot, not go into the pot, slam the arm, etc.. Default glue dots used to work now I have to set all their bi
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 19 11:32:46 EST 1997 | Kris Ganev
Can anybody give me feed back on the pro and cons of using Pace, OK, Hakko, Metcal, etc... equipment in their rework processes? I need to set up a low volume rework station for mixed technology boards. Would appreciate any suggestions.
Electronics Forum | Mon May 21 19:32:36 EDT 2007 | jimpat
Jeremy, Just started looking into this equipment myself. I have not dealt with Madell Tech however, I know that they do not manufacture equipment . . . they are importers / resellers of equipment made in China. To me the stuff on their site does n