Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 21 21:00:59 EDT 2002 | chao liang
we will use melf nozzle , we want to know how to setting the part data (or other item in f4g ), so the machine (cp642) can identify it from the nomal 1.3nozzle . thanks
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 22 20:34:19 EDT 2002 | chao liang
thank you , Mark thank you so much
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 22 02:18:09 EDT 2002 | mjabure
Specify the nozzle size as 1.4 in both the nozzle allocation table and the PD, the nozzles will still pass center test as the size variation is still within tolerence.
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 22 23:18:03 EDT 2002 | mjabure
you're welcome. if you have any other questions you can e-mail me, my address here is mjabure@smtnet.com. Used to be a machine instructor for fuji.
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 24 10:26:52 EDT 2009 | cstech
I have a used CP642 ball screw - in good condition customerst@163.com
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 16 08:08:11 EDT 2001 | forrge
Looking for feedback from people that used the Fuji CP6 to place 0201 parts. Is the CP642 reliable? I have been told that the Fuji CP642 cannot reliably place the 0201's and the CP643 must be used.
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 19 09:19:01 EST 2002 | Kent
We have been placing 0201 in our production using both CP642 and CP643 since last year. But it was necessary to upgraded a narrow view camera to recognize 0201 for CP642. Since then, the placement of 0201 is really reliable.
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 02 03:35:05 EDT 2012 | benreben
Hi all, depending on your experience is there a difference between CP642 and CP643? what is the most stable machine service level? there know problem with these machines? Thanks Regards,
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 02 10:26:17 EDT 2012 | jimmyboz
If I had a choice I would choose a CP642 90% of the time. The loading system on the 643 can load 2 PCBs at the same time but is complicated. If 2 seconds on PCB load time is critical on your production choose the 643, if not, choose the 642.
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 15 15:50:55 EST 2002 | Bruce
The CP-642 simply requires a camera upgrade for 0201 parts. This is the same camera as is used on the CP-643. You should then get identical results