Electronics Forum: cp643 middle sensor (Page 1 of 3)

cp643e x axis servo interlock

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 04 01:31:44 EST 2011 | fujiphil

Possible cause is the Middle Loading Sensor. Check the ML flag. Also, this problem occurs when the z-axis base slips. Need to level the base and re-calibrate z-axis origin.

Fuji CP643

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 02 21:27:59 EDT 2022 | rdssmt

Jerry thank. I did check this but I going to change the sensor. Do you have CP643? This machine I have 2 years that not power on and lost the proper, do you have one copy? Thanks.

cp643e x axis servo interlock

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 29 12:01:32 EST 2011 | jts142

hi i am having problems with a cp 643 when i run in auto it errors unloading a board with the x axis servo interlock error but if i hit sequence end stop so that it stops after every board it runs and unloads perfectly. Any hints or suggestions we ha

CP643E Ref Side Clamp Mesh Error

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 07 13:13:51 EDT 2003 | mantis

Its been awjile since i was on a Cp643e but it sounds like there is a difference between the table board width and the fast loader width,when a board is to be transfered from the fast loader to the table the knuckles on the fast loader mechanism shou

cp643e x axis servo interlock

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 01 13:21:34 EST 2011 | cyber_wolf

Try switching to a different board and see if the error goes away. If it does, it has something to do with one of the loader sensors not being made.

Fuji Cp 643 st19

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 29 10:00:48 EST 2012 | cyber_wolf

In order to clean the clutches properly, you must disassemble them. Did you do that ? The nozzle holder sensor dogs must be clean and scratch free.


Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 20 10:17:54 EDT 2013 | cyber_wolf

Don't have a CP7 but I think it has the same loader as a CP643. There are about 15 different sensors that have to be made for the loader and carriers to work properly. Are you doing dual board load ?

Fuji CP643

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 02 19:54:40 EDT 2022 | jdengler

I don't know the CP6's that well but on earlier CP's there is a flag that rotates with the CAM. That flag has 2 sensors that are used to get rough zero. Check that they are working correctly. Jerry


Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 21 11:55:31 EDT 2012 | cyber_wolf

Do you have the feeder calibration jigs ? If so it should be pretty self explanatory. I'm pretty sure a CP7 has the same loader system as a CP643. If so, the sensor system can be hairy if you don't know what you are looking at. If it has been crashed

CP-642 sometimes does not finish power up sequence. It hangs.

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 22 14:57:46 EDT 2020 | travishemen

It seems like we had a similar issue once on a CP643. If I remember right it ended up being either pre or post theta. The amplifier for the sensor quit working and it was trying to zero the theta motors before doing the cam. The LED indicator on t

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