Electronics Forum: cpk for dek galaxy (Page 1 of 1)

Cpk Variables Control for Paste Printing

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 04 16:38:51 EST 2002 | davef

Equipment companies like to talk about �accuracy� and �repeatability�. These measures provide limited information. Flaws of the measure aside, some printer companies have begun to report Cp. * DEK ELA: Cp = 1.33 @ �0.025mm * DEK 265: Cp = 1.6 @ �0.0

Re: Capability Study for Solder Printing Process

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 20 19:34:13 EDT 2000 | Dave F

Congrats. You now control the source of almost 70% of the defects of your SMT operation. There is a neat series of presentations on printing, each year at SMI. One of the best of the SMI series was in 1997, because presenters used a common board


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