Electronics Forum: cr2000 (Page 1 of 1)

High temp conductive material needed

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 22 17:14:41 EDT 1999 | Dennis Fall

I am looking to apply 10-15�m of a conductive material that will withstand 280�C. Our product consists of an alumina substrate sputtered with NiCr (2000�) and Copper (2000�) and 15-60 �m of electroplated copper (all metals patterned on the substrae)

Re: High temp conductive material needed

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 23 10:21:25 EDT 1999 | Chrys Shea

| I am looking to apply 10-15�m of a conductive material that will withstand 280�C. Our product consists of an alumina substrate sputtered with NiCr (2000�) and Copper (2000�) and 15-60 �m of electroplated copper (all metals patterned on the substra


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