Electronics Forum: cracked 2010 resistor (Page 1 of 11)

cracked joints

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 12 22:15:56 EDT 2013 | ericrr

Sorry to build up your hopes. The latest thing to hit the air ways at work, I was accessed of fiddling with the oven settings, because there were reports of "cracked joints" there was no mention of where the cracks were, cracked at the pcb or cracke

2010&2512 cracking

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 16 12:44:05 EST 2010 | esoderberg

95%+ of my boards are small and therefore are panelized using the V-score technique. Getting a lot of resistor cracking even though the resistor is layed out to be perpendicular to the long board edge. What dimension should be used from the board e

2010&2512 cracking

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 23 09:48:26 EST 2010 | dyoungquist

How are you sepatating your boards out of the panel? If you are flexing them to break the V-score, this could be what is causing the resistors to crack.

2010&2512 cracking

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 23 11:05:46 EST 2010 | kjs123p

We had this same problem several years ago. The caps and resistors were cracking when we snapped the boards apart. We now use a pizza cutter style depanelizer. A couple of manufacturers that I know of are CAB and Fancort. I hope this helps.

Cracks other than MLCC

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 13 15:00:57 EST 2019 | stephendo

I have seen resistors cracked during placement. The part was programmed incorrectly and the nozzle pushed down on the part too hard. I do not remember seeing any cracked during depanelization. Nibblers can cause damage if they are on the bottom and

Cracks other than MLCC

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 14 21:53:04 EST 2019 | sssamw

I've seen crack on resistor also.The crack on ICs mainly is on the solder joint due to very high strain.

ceramic cap crack

Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 19 08:32:49 EDT 2010 | davef

Please describe the location and appearance of the crack

Multiple Resistor Rework

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 30 08:08:30 EDT 2010 | sreid

Hello, I have been tasked with finding a solution to rework 242 boards that have 34 incorrect 0603 resistors placed. These resistors are placed throughout the board and are surrounded by other SMT components. If anyone can advise me on a more time

Epoxy damaging SMT Components

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 10 21:41:54 EST 2010 | plaiming

We experiences some failures on PCB assemblies from the field when a methacrylate epoxy adhesive was used to secure some through-hole components to pcb board as reinforcement against vibration. During application, the epoxy covered some smaller SMT c

2010&2512 cracking

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 23 12:34:37 EST 2010 | dyoungquist

We use a CAB de-panelizer to separtare our boards out of a panel. Works great.

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