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Device to create a reflow/wave profile

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 21 11:57:08 EST 2005 | lyrtech

Hi, actually, I'm searching for a device to create reflow profiles like DATAPAQ, KIC, MOLE.... because our only one unit is broken... Which one are you using and why? Do you know if someone have a second hand unit to sell?

Device to create a reflow/wave profile

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 21 19:28:18 EST 2005 | davef

Search the fine SMTnet Archives while you're waiting for others to respond.

Need help on create new MPI

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 31 20:23:06 EDT 2017 | tey422

I am a process technician (promoted from SMT operator) working for a CM. Now I got assigned a new task, to create new MPIs for the production process. Since I am still new to other aspects of the whole production process, i.e. rework, touch up, I wou

Device to create a reflow/wave profile

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 24 12:33:01 EST 2005 | Dreamsniper

I used KIC before now I'm using MOLE. I recommend KIC. regards,

Device to create a reflow/wave profile

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 22 06:08:45 EST 2005 | Grant

Hi, We used to manually profile by comparing logged temp numbers and matching the paste profile. But we got a KIC and it's software was so much better we got a good reduction in rework and we have almost no first run faults now. I would recommend on

Philips CSM66.xls to create BRD & FDR files easier

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 21 13:42:05 EDT 2007 | andras

Hi to All, I have bought my CSM66 ~3 years ago. It has a not too user friendly interface... :-( But fortunately it has a great possibility to upload files via RS232. So I have created a simple excel sheet to build those tricky BRD & FDR files. Here

Philips CSM66.xls to create BRD & FDR files easier

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 22 01:51:41 EDT 2007 | jmelson

&F(27).NO4=0 NO4 is for the prep head, which you probably don't have. So, it is zero to mean don't use the prep head. &F(27).DSPF=1 This is the "display flag", it apparently means this component slot in the file contains valid data for a real compon

Philips CSM66.xls to create BRD & FDR files easier

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 21 15:08:48 EDT 2007 | jmelson

I did things using a language I am more familiar with, and it allows me to set up a list of components, feeder locations, pick-up orientations, proper head to use, etc. My problem is I haven't gotten fully reliable communications when downloading th

Philips CSM66.xls to create BRD & FDR files easier

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 22 00:05:15 EDT 2007 | sarason

Is anyone else using XON/XOFF handshaking, or is it best to >use CTS/RTS hardware handshaking? If you are using >XON/XOFF, what parity settings are you using? (Not unheard >of for the XON/XOFF chars to not obey the parity settings >for data chars.)

would it be possible to create a cross-recognition mark on the SI-P750 SONY equipment?

Electronics Forum | Mon May 14 23:41:04 EDT 2018 | leandroxp

Hi. how to create a fiducial cross type in the SONY model SI-P750? Or would you need to upgrade your device software? Because my equipment only makes fiducial markings of circle and square type.

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