Electronics Forum: creep corrosion copper sulfide (Page 1 of 1)

Lead Free Immersion SIlver PCB-->Creeping Corrosion

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 03 14:21:29 EDT 2009 | davef

Creeping corrosion occurs on bare metal. Most commonly, it is seen on boards with thin protective coatings [eg, bare copper, immersion silver, organic solderability preservative]. Look here: * enthone.com/docs/AlphaSTARCreeping.pdf * circuitree.com

Copper oxide

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 31 15:41:23 EDT 2003 | davef

Q: Could any of you guys tell me what exactly is this greenish thing ? A: No, but is not copper oxide. Copper oxide is brown, the color of a penny [here in the US] or an untreated copper laminated trace on a board. Many copper salts are greenish in


Electronics Forum | Mon May 14 17:12:20 EDT 2001 | davef

Continuing along the path that Brian took ... IPC-7525 gives design guideline for stepped stencils. It goes something like: * Stepped area SB GT 25 thou from pads located on the greatest thickness of the stencil * Pads in stepped area SB GT 35 tho


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