Electronics Forum: croos cp2 cp3 cp4 (Page 1 of 1)

Re: 0402 Component Placement

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 14 18:19:53 EDT 1999 | Mark Deren

| | Is it possible to place 0402 components with a Fuji CP2? How about a CP4? What are the suggestions for 0402 machine placement? | | | | Any help would be appreciated. According to the latest Fuji America S.M.T. Report I have, 0402 (1005) compo

Recomendations? Fuji CP7 or Univ HSP4797?

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 23 10:26:53 EDT 2004 | exmaintenanceleader

Grant and all! CP-2 is the oldest fuji as I have been operated. CP-3 is built in 1989 as a new mc. Now 15 mc I now they runs in 3 shift widouth problems when they need countinous runing comes the problems. conroll card and relay contact problems at


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