Electronics Forum: cross section analysis (Page 1 of 35)

Micro cross section supplies

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 25 13:45:41 EDT 2012 | davef

Failure analysis, Cross section Cross section equipment sectioning equipment suppliers: * Leco; 3000 Lakeview Ave, St. Joseph, MI 49085; leco.com * Struers; 24766 Detroit Rd, Westlake, OH 44145; 888-787-8377 F440-871-8188 struers.com * Buehler Worldw

Is there a cross section standard test method...

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 25 10:08:20 EDT 2008 | bandjwet

Along the lines of this topic..... Does anyone know about the going rate for a cross sectional analysis including the report from 3rd party labs for this service?

Micro cross section supplies

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 25 10:15:06 EDT 2012 | cyber_wolf

Does anyone have a source for micro cross section supplies? I know about Buehler...was looking for another.

Micro cross section supplies

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 25 12:16:09 EDT 2012 | markhoch

You might want to take a look at Allied High Tech. I was investigating this same thing a few years ago. I never purchased it, so I can't vouch for the product itself, but it's another option. http://www.alliedhightech.com/grinding/xsectiontool/

Is there a cross section standard test method...

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 24 09:09:40 EDT 2008 | jdumont

Hello all, we have been seeing a lot of issues with broken or open vias on a couple of our bare boards. We have two vendors make these for us and the issue is only with one vendors boards. We have stopped using them until we can figure out what is go

Is there a cross section standard test method...

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 24 22:53:22 EDT 2008 | davef

As you say, just about defect can be tied to process, one way or another. If you want to think about it, search the fine SMTnet Archives for background on barrel cracking. Other things are: * How thick is the actual via plating from the two supplier

Is there a cross section standard test method...

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 25 07:33:46 EDT 2008 | davef

References [Analog Devices] 1) "Surface Preparation and Microscopy of Materials" B Bousfield, John Wiley & Sons, LTD., West Susse_, England, 1992 2) "Metallography Principles and Procedures" Leco, Corp. 1992 3) "Buehler Dialog, Microstructural Analys

Cracking solder found in cross sections

Electronics Forum | Wed May 25 21:03:30 EDT 2011 | thanhnguyen22

Hi All, I am new the PCBA process fabrication. I have found many cracks in the PCB after we have cross sections analysis. The cracking has same kind of pattern. It happens betwen the solder and the PCB, or between the solder and the part, BUT not be

Is there a cross section standard test method...

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 26 09:19:20 EDT 2008 | nibirta

hi all...well i`m working in such a lab but we are working internally, and for our customers. But i can give you some prices from other labs. Cross section-one location is around: Solder Joint Integrity Std. sample plastic package $300.00 Shorts /

Is there a cross section standard test method...

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 24 10:38:33 EDT 2008 | davef

No standard, but common practice is: IPC-TM-650 Test Methods Manual * Method 2.1.1, Microsectioning, Manual Method * Method, Microsectioning, Semi or Automatic Technique

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