Electronics Forum: crx 1000 (Page 1 of 1)

CR Technology CRX-1000

Electronics Forum | Wed May 07 07:18:48 EDT 2008 | realchunks

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CR Technology CRX-1000

Electronics Forum | Tue May 06 13:34:45 EDT 2008 | adamcrum

Does anybody know anything about a company called CR Technology. We have a machine made by them, called CRX-1000, and I have even found a listing for this machine on this site. The thing is, I can not for the life of me find a legitmate website for t

CR Technology CRX-1000

Electronics Forum | Tue May 06 13:58:12 EDT 2008 | jdengler

Photon Dynamics INC. bought CR Technology some time back. I do not know if they still support equipment or not.

CR Technology CRX-1000

Electronics Forum | Tue May 06 18:24:48 EDT 2008 | fishingfool

Adam, Photon is no longer in this business. Call Steffan Miller at 949 212 5991, he still supports the machines.

CR Technology CRX-1000

Electronics Forum | Wed May 07 12:17:09 EDT 2008 | adamcrum

Wow, you guys on this forum know what you are talking about. Thanks a billion for the info, it helped.


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