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Electronics Forum: cs-400d (Page 1 of 2)


Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 21 11:47:03 EST 2008 | babe7362000

We have a Contact CS400D 1991 series and when I press Control H, it gives me a host error. I can not get it to communicate with the RS232

CS400D Programming

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 17 20:46:13 EST 2020 | williamaxler

Trying to get a CS400D working. We are programming a 10up board and are trying to set permanent offsets in the program and we cannot get them to read in. Any help?

CS-400D Manuals

Electronics Forum | Sun May 03 17:58:22 EDT 2009 | cusackmusic

I just bought a used Contact Systems CS-400D, and it does not have manuals. Does anybody have an extra set? Also, I haven't seen the machine yet, but I am wondering about getting PC software to do the programming and off-line programming. Who is a

Contact Systems Machines For SALE

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 22 13:56:09 EDT 1998 | Laura

Lewis & Clark currently has 2 CS-400C and 2 CS-400D machines available for sale. These machines have been totally refurbished and are in excellent condition. If interested, please call 603-594-4229.

Contax 400D

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 02 08:24:29 EDT 2003 | ADAM

We are currently looking at a CS-400D component locator with automatic cut & clinch from contax ltd .Anyone who has had good or bad experiences with this type of equipment and are prepared to share,it would be much appreciated. Adam

Advise on Semi Auto Cut and Clinch machines

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 19 10:18:39 EST 2003 | haviland

Paul--Good morning. We deal in used and refurbed equipment, and have access to a couple of CS 400 D & E models. Call me at (262) 249-0808, or email me. Thanks, Nick Haviland, Electronic Assembly Machinery Exchange.


Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 22 07:25:16 EST 2008 | jdumont

Contact Bob Tomaselli at Magellan Services if you continue to have issues. (203) 232-4308 He is THE man for Contact Systems equipment. Tell em Josh sent ya. He is actually going to be here tomorrow AM for a service call. Take it easy

CS-400D Manuals

Electronics Forum | Sun May 03 18:01:58 EDT 2009 | tach

Get in touch with Bob see below he is the best in the bussiness. Robert L Tomaselli Magellan Service Corporation 1 Jacks Hill Road Unit 1F Oxford, CT 06478 (203)888 4919 FX (203)888 4916

CS-400D Manuals

Electronics Forum | Fri May 08 12:55:15 EDT 2009 | jdumont

Ive been working with Bob for many years. He is a great guy and will do anything to help you. We also bought a 400D from him and have had no issues with it. Make sure you have him come in and do the PM.

CS-400D Manuals

Electronics Forum | Wed May 13 17:46:09 EDT 2009 | cusackmusic

Does anybody have any recommended Clinch/Length values for: 1/4W Resistor 1N4007 Diodes 3W Resitors (A bit bigger than 1N4007 leads). Thanks, Jon

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