Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 05 11:40:24 EDT 2004 | Dhanish
How do you perform stackup analysis for mechanical parts?I refer to some documents and it is very detail.
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 05 17:21:48 EDT 2004 | russ
A stackup is basically this, if all parts (mating) are at the high end or low end of tolerances will they still fit together or meet any dimensional requirements as an assembly.
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 15 09:40:43 EDT 2006 | SWAG
Not sure about 2020 but AP's have an option to perform a histogram test/adjustment on the lighting. It's a black card, white card test and you can adjust a pot. in the machine to make the histogram curve "best-fit". On an AP, you find this option i
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 13 21:52:16 EST 2003 | davef
Haaaaaa!!!! You contractors get all the fun don't ya??? Consider: * Replacing the balls on the corners of the devices with balls composed of a "hard solder", yano something like 90/10. * Shimming to prevent excessive collapse of a heavy BGA during
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 05 17:47:21 EDT 2010 | boardhouse
Hi Deni, X-ray will not be able to see through Power and Grn planes. Your only way to find out is: 1) ask your board supplier to supply stack up used. 2) surface grind layer by layer to validate if it is correct stack up. What is making you think
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 04 17:48:28 EDT 2024 | assuredtech
I don't know who manufactures the SMT 460 machine or what it's capabilities and configuration or machine settings are applicable to this topic but some common process of eliminations are: Component packages (doesn't seem to be an issue here), Board s
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 06 12:41:07 EST 2023 | jdengler
We make PCB assemblies for an RGB arc that is made up of multiple curved PCB's that have connectors on the ends to plug together. I think the end the radius of the arc is 2 feet. Jerry
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 02 14:15:59 EST 2007 | realchunks
I have a new customer that has a print calling for 2oz. copper finish for top and bottom layers, and 1oz. copper finish for the inner 6 layers. Now, they also have a stack up depicting each layer and thickness. It shows the outer layers of copper b
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 29 11:11:49 EST 2001 | pzohbon
Rob, How does your chemistry stack up against the 440R? I see you mentioned ease of maintenance as one down fall in that chemistry's make-up. Could you elaborate for me. Thanks.
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 15 08:15:10 EST 2004 | pjc
UP78 is an old product. Data sheets are no longer posted on the web site. OM-5100 is the replacement. Try calling tech support and they should e-mail you the UP78 data sheet that will show the profile curve. Jersey City, NJ Tel: 201-434-6778 http://