Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 20 08:23:30 EST 2010 | johanhuizing
The buyers in our company like to change the PCB finishing because of reducing costs. The proposed change is going from Ni/Au to HASL lead free, I know that in the beginning of the lead free period there where a lot of problems to use the HASL especi
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 07 14:33:00 EST 2015 | eezday
The assumption that a HASL Sn63 PCB can be soldered with SAC solder paste is likely a bad one. The board itself is likely FR4 which can be damaged by lead free temperatures. The HASL finish isn't an issue from the perspective of it's makeup and actu
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 01 14:50:05 EDT 2016 | dyoungquist
The bare pcb has lead HASL finish. Components are lead-free and lead-free solder was used to solder the plate-through components. Is this acceptable or will there be reliability issues?
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 19 18:18:02 EDT 2009 | smt_guy
Thanks Sir Dave. Yeah my apologies. To clarify, we built the product PCB whcih has a Lead-Free HASL Finish using a Sn63/Pb37 Solder paste. My major concern regarding reliability is that my profile whish is between 215'C-225'C was insufficient to ref
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 21 12:36:45 EDT 2006 | bradlanger
Just wondering if there are any users of SN100C lead free hasl finsh out there. If so what kind of results are you getting as far as solderability is concerned?
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 03 17:11:42 EDT 2006 | cuculi54986@yahoo.com
Our board suppliers tell us, there is no specification they use for HASL thickness, other than "coverage". They also say they have very little control over the HASL thickness. This was not an issue for us in the past, until we started using Pb-fr
Electronics Forum | Thu May 13 20:40:25 EDT 2021 | winston_one
Yes, we can't use pure Pb PROCESS. And as I say we will not use it anyway, as we have lead-free BGA's, LGAs, component with Solder Charged Terminations... It's became almost normal practice to solder it with leaded solder pastes. In this case peak re
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 30 15:41:35 EDT 2004 | Frank
Hi, In 2006 we will need to produce Lead free PCB and for now it's hard to get answer to my questions. I'm from Canada and the PCB vendors we actually have are not ready to produce Lead Free PCB ( HASL Lead Free ). For sure OSP (Entek) is not good
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 28 02:43:00 EST 2007 | philip_yam
Hi all, For leadfree HASL finish, is there any specification or guidelines for contamination level, esp Cu% to refer? How can we ensure the HASL finish composition is reliable for assembly? Thanks..
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 31 15:25:14 EST 2012 | joeherz
Hege, Yes. Good info. We have other products that run lead free process with known non-RoHS compliant components. All of these are using LF process compliant fabs however so this is the first time we have been in this position. Thanks.