Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 19 05:32:26 EDT 2010 | patrich
i need teckhnicall documentation for dek camera type cba40,green 191011,s/n 200026,manufactured "CIBEROPTICS" ;thanks ;scuse me for my english, i am live in romania;GOOD DAY
Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 23 17:27:29 EDT 2019 | emanuel
Cyberoptics cameras and laser alignment systems are very popular and used in a lot of machines. So weird, but there is absolutely no technical information available and even in the company's web site they don't exist. Some models like the Hawkeye cam
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 19 21:37:17 EDT 2021 | ouaret
dear all, update: we got that the calibration of SIM is the problem, the distance between SIMs need to be calibrated. can someone help us get the manual that describe on how to calibrate the SIMs? we have a problem with our cyberoptics AOI machine
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 24 07:50:36 EDT 2021 | ouaret
we have a Cyberoptics Flex ultra HR machine (model N 8010949). the alignment of camera 1,3,5 and 2,4 is impossible because the images from each Fire wire adapter don't have the same size. we tried to calibrate with the target board, but also unsucce
Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 13 09:55:05 EDT 2008 | mainenetservices
Does anyone out there know of anyone who can repair the Green firewire camera (Cyberoptics) off the Dek printers. I had 2 go bad and would like to get them fixed if possible so I would have backups. Thanks in Advance
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 22 11:26:19 EDT 2008 | mainenetservices
Does anyone out there know of anyone who can > repair the Green firewire camera (Cyberoptics) > off the Dek printers. I had 2 go bad and would > like to get them fixed if possible so I would > have backups. > > Thanks in Advance I can repair
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 01 17:24:08 EDT 2016 | jlawson
Yes VISCOM uses Cyberoptiocs for SPI as they have a great optic head, but VISCOMS Ultra 2D/2.5D/3D head is best in market, I would say much better than Cyberoptics from a technical specification perspective. Has heighest part 3D height image renderin
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 01 13:57:18 EST 2005 | bobpan
2c belt driven.....'a little' less accurate (costs less) 4c ball screw......'a little' more accurate (costs more) vu4-vu6 upward camera for fine pitch.....cant remember but the differenc is the field of view for camera. part centering is quad-align
Electronics Forum | Thu May 15 06:56:52 EDT 2008 | locostpp
Thanks Sarason, Laser alignment of components was actually our first attempt - it certainly offers speed and accuracy, but purchasing cyberoptics units would blow the budget & getting round their patent not really an option. I've seen the Essemtec
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 28 06:18:19 EDT 2008 | dominikpeli
Dear Collegs! I would appreciate all responses with opinions about the AOI manufacturers that will be listed below. First of all maybe a short description. In my company we are just starting with the optical inspection of our products. We use screen