Electronics Forum: cyberoptics laser 6604098 supply & repair (Page 1 of 1)

cyber optics 6604098

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 09 03:42:50 EST 2015 | robl

Hi, we use Eric from QY in China for repairing our Yamaha/Assembleon and Juki Lasers. We must have sent 15-20 in the last 2 years and they do a good job. Contact details: sales@qy-smt.com Hope that helps, Rob.

Cyberoptics Laser Product, model: 6604098

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 10 01:44:37 EST 2004 | lawrence

Hi All, I've been using Yamaha YV88 MII for quite some times, It's a good workhorse but have this little problem. We find difficulty in locating the Laser Unit. Also it's costs are high from where we get it. Would appreciate SMTnet members assistance

Scratches in Juki laser

Electronics Forum | Fri May 05 02:22:39 EDT 2017 | beckysu

Our company supply repair service for JUKI lasers, sorry for disturb you, may you need it in the future. Have a nice day. Best Regards, Becky Su becky(at)hysmt(dot)cn

Cyberoptics Camera Repair

Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 23 17:27:29 EDT 2019 | emanuel

Cyberoptics cameras and laser alignment systems are very popular and used in a lot of machines. So weird, but there is absolutely no technical information available and even in the company's web site they don't exist. Some models like the Hawkeye cam

Effectiveness of an AOI

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 04 18:05:03 EST 2003 | msivigny

Hello Maribel, One way you justify the use of an AOI is to calculate how many defects the system will potentially detect before reflow, associate a repair cost per defect and make the calculation. For an AOI to be effective in this regard, it must sc

Solder Paste Thickness Measuring Device

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 18 12:32:16 EST 2004 | steve_arneson

There are many low cost paste inspection systems on the market today. It really depends upon your overall needs for process improvement. The CyberOptics LSM series of inspection devices use a single laser stripe to calculate both Height, Area and V

quad 4c

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 27 18:10:41 EST 2002 | andrewbrook

Quad4C's have their moments. If the price is right and you are aware of the machines limitations then you will be satisfied. The placement rate is slow, 1.2 seconds/chip. Don't buy any Quad if it has the CyberOptics Laser unit, the Quadalign unit is

Samsung CP20CV

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 01 16:46:40 EDT 2023 | assuredtech

We have the following Samsung CP20 spare parts and feeders available, we also have CP40 - CP45 spare parts and feeders available - please inquire. 1.) Fine Suntronix MRK OR4-H Power Supply 24V 16 Amp Output 2.) Y Axis Service AmplifierSanyo Denki PY0

Air Bath Rework System

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 22 14:21:13 EST 2004 | James Dornan of APE Inc

A little late but if this subject is still of interest the following paper from APE may be of interestwhen considering IR to Air Bath: HOT AIR versus IR and other convection Rework Systems HOT AIR is the most popularly chosen method of rework in th


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