Electronics Forum: cyberoptics laser align (Page 8 of 16)

QUAD 4C motor error #5

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 30 11:31:29 EDT 2013 | nophsem

We have two QUAD 4C working in tandem. 3 months ago the EPCU battery (QUAD # 2) died, then we change it. Then downloaded the MODs from the controller to the assembler(does simultaneously on both machines). All this time we continue to work normally.

BGA Rework

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 28 08:52:10 EDT 2003 | davem

Chrissie, I'm glad you (and your people) made it through the painful process of reworking all those BGA's. Hope all your boards sucessfully pass test. Now on to the larger issue. In my experience, the solder paste screen printing process is (along

Manufacturing breakthroughs?

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 03 18:20:00 EDT 2003 | davef

Major advance: Productionization of SMT. Minor advances: * Realization and control of solder paste characteristics * Vision alignment controls in printers. * Evolution from mechanical centering [through laser alignment controls] to vision alignment

R0402 very high fail rate while placing

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 08 22:49:41 EST 2022 | jojoled

Hi, I need help with placing 0402 resistors 90% of them are picked correctly, but are not placed(thrown away) giving me error : LASER retry over. Slightly higher varistors in same package have slightly better placing rate, about 50%, but still not su

Solder paste height measurement

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 13 16:19:05 EDT 2004 | Inspection Solution

Hi Mark, There are many tools available for measuring solder paste height. Most machines use laser as the basis for inspection while others use structured white light. If simple height and width inspection is all that is required, you can look int

Re: Really?????

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 27 02:37:28 EST 1998 | Ray

Richard, Just ask Quad about their Laser Alignment system, they're being taken to court about it. They've ripped it off from somebody else... Ray

Quad IVc Laser Align Extents

Electronics Forum | Wed May 04 08:17:57 EDT 2011 | leemeyer

Parts that are the same size can share the same extent #. If you are placing 100 different 0805 components you will need only 1 extent.

Quad IVc Laser Align Extents

Electronics Forum | Thu May 05 07:41:19 EDT 2011 | leemeyer

Yes, what you are thinking is correct. Assuming an 0805 capacitor parts that are picked from the front and back of the machine will be picked at 0 theta. Parts that are on the left or right will be picked at a 90 theta. This way they can all share th

Quad IVc Laser Align Extents

Electronics Forum | Fri May 06 07:29:55 EDT 2011 | leemeyer

You got it. You are aware that Quad defines the theta by steps. 0 = 0, 90 = 6000, 180 = 12000 and 270 = 18000.

Juki Laser Alignment

Electronics Forum | Tue May 14 16:59:24 EDT 2013 | leeg

Cheers again. So if the bga is 1mm thick and with the balls 1.3 mm thick I should set the component height at 0.9 to be sure of cotrectly centering on the body ?

cyberoptics laser align searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

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