Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 07 13:03:53 EDT 2020 | assuredtech
SMT Forum, Does anyone know if the Sanyo laser alignments can be replaced with the Cyberoptics brand? If so is it plug and play or does it require any software or machine configuration changes. Thanks in advance
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 24 17:57:35 EDT 2013 | nophsem
Hi: I've disarmed the CyberOptics laser and I founded the problem. Protecting Infrared glass was cracked it inside. I've replaced it with a new one and solved the problem. Thank you very much for the help and hope that this post will be useful to som
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 14 15:01:00 EDT 2009 | mki
Thank you RLM, bobpan, Laser (CyberOptics) was dirty! Now is all OK. You are talking about Quad-Align. I have a lot of QUAD manuals and I still do not understand the diference among QuadAlign, CyberOptics LA and L3 LA! Please, if you can give me s
Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 23 17:27:29 EDT 2019 | emanuel
Cyberoptics cameras and laser alignment systems are very popular and used in a lot of machines. So weird, but there is absolutely no technical information available and even in the company's web site they don't exist. Some models like the Hawkeye cam
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 06 21:02:45 EST 2017 | dlerkin
Hi, I'm looking for a software copy for the CyberOptics Cyberscan Cobra Laser Profile Scanner. An issue with one of the files is preventing the software from running and we no longer have the original copy to re-install it on our computer. This Cyber
Electronics Forum | Fri May 06 09:33:22 EDT 2011 | jimlas53
RLM, you have been very helpful! Let me try this on you: We have two IVC's, one with a conveyor and Quadalign, the other with a workholder platform and Cyber-optic. I just ran the first successful assembly on this second system, but the extents had
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 10 01:44:37 EST 2004 | lawrence
Hi All, I've been using Yamaha YV88 MII for quite some times, It's a good workhorse but have this little problem. We find difficulty in locating the Laser Unit. Also it's costs are high from where we get it. Would appreciate SMTnet members assistance
Electronics Forum | Thu May 20 10:01:23 EDT 2010 | jmw
Just a slight correction....the quad align card is located at the back rear right of the machine (in a cage). If it is a cyber-optics 4c machine....the laser align card is in the front card rack to the far left.
Electronics Forum | Fri May 06 09:39:26 EDT 2011 | leemeyer
Sorry but I have never worked with a machine that has the Cyberoptics system. Have you tried talking to PPM (www.goppm.com), They have been very helpful to me.
Electronics Forum | Sat May 07 07:03:16 EDT 2011 | jimlas53
Thanks for the suggestion, Bobpan. I'll start looking for a replacement coax cable. Would we be better off to look for a Quadalign system and replace the Cyberoptic unit? Doug