Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 29 16:21:26 EDT 1999 | Dave F
| | Has anyone heard of this company? We have one at our facility and I can't find them listed anywhere. I looked through this years NEPCON directory with no listing there either. We have some parts that need replacing so any help would be greatly
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 29 16:22:57 EDT 1999 | Dave F
| | | Has anyone heard of this company? We have one at our facility and I can't find them listed anywhere. I looked through this years NEPCON directory with no listing there either. We have some parts that need replacing so any help would be great
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 29 16:19:15 EDT 1999 | keith cathcart
| Has anyone heard of this company? We have one at our facility and I can't find them listed anywhere. I looked through this years NEPCON directory with no listing there either. We have some parts that need replacing so any help would be greatly a
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 29 16:52:11 EDT 1999 | Steve Gregory
| | | | Has anyone heard of this company? We have one at our facility and I can't find them listed anywhere. I looked through this years NEPCON directory with no listing there either. We have some parts that need replacing so any help would be gre
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 06 02:55:10 EST 2015 | arct1c
Hi, we are looking for 1 or 2 new postreflow AOI machines to replace our old ones and possibly 1 prereflow AOI(we never had pre reflow before). In our company we run low volumes and high volumes. I have been looking at Viscom, Mirtec mostly, Cyberop
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 12 13:38:52 EDT 1998 | Dave F
| | I am trying to get an idea of what system seems to work best for solder paste inspection. I am looking for basic table top models with he capabilites of height and width measurements. Can anyone give me suggestions, pricing and why you prefer
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 10 10:58:01 EDT 1998 | Justin Medernach
| | I am trying to get an idea of what system seems to work best for solder paste inspection. I am looking for basic table top models with he capabilites of height and width measurements. Can anyone give me suggestions, pricing and why you prefer
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 27 15:28:25 EST 2004 | DaveM
Both Cyberoptics inline (Cyber Sentry) and stand alone (LSM, LSM2 & LSM300) work well. As previously mentioned, the Sentry series inline systems work well, but reqiuire programming. The LSM series stand alone systems are good, but can be operator dep
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 19 16:21:26 EST 2004 | davem
Steve is right, Cyberoptics and ASC are the 2 main players in this market. I've used machines produced by both manufacturers and they both do a pretty good jod provided the operators know what they're doing. The LSM and LSM2 are solid but aging mac
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 30 03:26:48 EDT 1999 | Charles Stringer
| | | | | Has anyone heard of this company? We have one at our facility and I can't find them listed anywhere. I looked through this years NEPCON directory with no listing there either. We have some parts that need replacing so any help would be g