Electronics Forum: cycle time screen printer (Page 1 of 29)

screen printer

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 21 02:28:54 EDT 2015 | dinhhuunam

Juki GL-1.... Any thoughts? I'm New to the > industry and I'm trying to buy a new screen > printer. I have two in mind, DEK and Juki. Hi Sir, I'll advise you the SJ INNOTECH Vision Screen printer Best Solution & Service for You Model HP-520S Hi

screen printer

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 13 14:04:49 EDT 2015 | capse

Juki GL-1.... Any thoughts? I'm New to the > industry and I'm trying to buy a new screen > printer. I have two in mind, DEK and Juki. Up front qualifier, I'm the EKRA Rep for the southeastern US. I have been involved with stencil printers for abo

screen printer

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 02 17:26:24 EST 2004 | pjc

I worked on MicroFlex. All axis move via electric motor drive. Carraige reapatability is +/- 0.0005" (12 micron). Cameras position more easily on linear bearings than the swivel type. The alignment accuracy and repeatability easily supports sub-20mil

screen printer comparision

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 22 14:31:03 EDT 2004 | northern

I have used both the MPM and DEK. The MPM's look nicer and have a few fancy features but the DEK printed more consistent time and time again. I believe you spend a lot more money for MPM's when DEK will give you what you need.

MPM screen printer

Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 17 14:01:43 EDT 2005 | johnw

Hi all contact the guys at ALTUS GROUP these guys are all experts on mpm printers they are all x MPM service engineers they hold a vast stock of spares also I use these guys all the time and are good to deal with WWW.ALTUSGROUP.BIZ

Smallest screen printer semi/auto

Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 06 06:41:11 EDT 2021 | ttheis

The DEK248 we had at one time was pretty compact but it did not have automated alignment- just a semi-manual camera/monitor stencil alignment process.

ESE US-7000X screen printer

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 24 00:47:01 EST 2013 | montanjees

Nicolas, my company Equipment Services LLC has recently been appointed North America distributor for ESE printers.. Our first shipment of 6 x 7000X printers coincidently arrived today. We will be exhibiting at the APEX show or the first time next mo

screen printer - vision

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 29 16:58:00 EDT 2004 | pjc

You should be able to get a one-print Mylar frame for the SMTech 90 machine from SigmaPrint, http://www.sigmaprint.co.uk Yes, with vision you store images of two features such as solder lands or fidicial marks from opposite corners of the board. With

Re: screen printer x axis

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 17 21:25:00 EDT 1999 | Rob

| | HI everyone, | | | | We are using a Siemens ap-25 screen printer, in the past we have not had any problems with adhesive placement until a couple of weeks ago. It seems the x axis has decided that it should be set somewhere between .00085 an

Re: screen printer x axis

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 17 15:43:08 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| HI everyone, | | We are using a Siemens ap-25 screen printer, in the past we have not had any problems with adhesive placement until a couple of weeks ago. It seems the x axis has decided that it should be set somewhere between .00085 and .001

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