Electronics Forum: dage comm error (Page 1 of 3)

Omniflow 10 comm board

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 01 13:57:52 EDT 2012 | smtventasmex

Hi we have a problem with an Omniflow 10 he hood does not open, we have some zones failing, error messages, we change all the boards on the oven but not on the PC comm board, we saw than this board have damages and may be this will be the problem so

Fuji QP242 tz axis comm error

Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 17 05:22:58 EDT 2019 | hemantpang23

We are getting the " tz axis comm error" in our Fuji QP242 smt machine in tray unit, please help to resolve the issue

Fuji QP242 tz axis comm error

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 19 02:32:37 EDT 2019 | hemantpang23

Thanks for reply, please help to identify other possible reasons of this error

Fuji QP242 tz axis comm error

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 06 16:48:01 EDT 2019 | linux

Change SCU card with next module, reboot. Zero set Send proper

Fuji QP242 tz axis comm error

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 18 21:06:45 EDT 2019 | dman97

Based on the fuji error codes, It says that the ARCNET cable is disconnected. Make sure that all cables from this module are connected to the QP.

Universal GSM1 startup error

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 07 18:09:55 EDT 2015 | bnorton

The power distribution board has 10 green LEDs on. By the time of the error SysFail is still on. Logicomm connected to the Force board COMM2 shows a stream of messages saying "Lantern system not active. Heart Beat = 0"

Heller Oven communication error

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 05 08:06:39 EST 2010 | rgduval

Rob, Had that issue early on when we hooked up our Heller. For us, the problem turned out to be the serial communications port on the computer. I can't say we had the black screen, but, we had comm errors. I'd check the following: 1. Cable betwe

Universal GSM1 startup error

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 12 11:01:37 EDT 2015 | bnorton

Machine->Config and set all their addresses to 0. We have swapped the EPC5, the VGA Video, the Force board, and most recently the Lantern 630VME. Watching the Force board COMM2 with Logicomm, at the end of all the ldx file processing it changes to c

DEK265GSX >>>motor commumincation error

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 26 12:16:52 EDT 2008 | bickt

you cannot swap 0-3 only 0-1 or 2-3 they are not the same euro cards. they function very diffrently. if you look you will see there are more chips and circuitry on one set. there are 2 w/red leds and 2 with green leds. at least thats how they soo

Universal GSM1 startup error

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 12 18:06:33 EDT 2015 | bnorton

Here's the end of Logicomm capture on Force COMM2 where it starts the Lantern system not active messages. Couldn't get attach to work. Startup and earlier .ldx file loading omitted ulLoadTasks(): Opening the RFS pseudo device driver ... ulLoadTas

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