Electronics Forum: dakota (Page 1 of 1)

North Dakota State University New EM Lab Equipment Needs

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 01 11:37:07 EST 2002 | Pete C

This is a technical forum. Equipment "needs" should be posted on the Equipment Mart- see in buttons on the left.

North Dakota State University New EM Lab Equipment Needs

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 01 09:35:52 EST 2002 | James Bartlett

MINIMUM NDSU EMEG EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS (11/1/02) To serve microsensor research and development via the Center for Nano-scale Science and Engineering (CNSE), the North Dakota State University (NDSU) Electronics Manufacturing Engineering Group (EM

Immersion Silver - Sulphur

Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 23 14:32:42 EST 2003 | davef

Sources of sulphur in PCB fabrication are: * Some locales have high H2S concentrations in the air. * Metal etching steps that use sulfuric acid or a sulfonated buffering compound may result in sulfate residues. * Sulfates can come from contact with


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