Electronics Forum: damp heat test (Page 1 of 34)

BGA Rework (Top side heat only!)

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 24 17:16:11 EST 2015 | grauen06

I was handed the task to develop a process to solder a BGA using topside heat only. It is a long story so I will spare the details, but I was wondering if anyone has ever attempted this? I have been going at it for a few weeks with fair results, but

BGA Rework (Top side heat only!)

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 26 12:24:02 EST 2015 | emeto

The best test will be to X-ray BGA under 3-D X-ray. About the techniques used for BGA repair you can probably take closer look to some BGA repair stations, even though I have seen it done with hot air gun in the early days.

BGA SEM test

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 27 17:01:14 EDT 2005 | Dreamsniper

Issue: At 60'C test PCB Fails. Operator did simulation. Use of Heat Gun to heat up the BGA to 60'C while PCB is powered and running. At 60'C BGA fails. When pressed system is back which means that something becomes open. Sent BGA for SEM and found t

BGA Pull test

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 25 17:50:46 EDT 2004 | Mike

I work for a PCB Manufacture and I am looking for info on BGA Pull test or strenght test. I have a CM that is experiencing bga's with some weak joints. they are telling me that when they do their pull test the joints are breaking at the nickel inste

BGA failure when chamber test

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 21 02:41:29 EDT 2011 | kemasta

Hi It's me again. Our products need to pass a chamber test 45c/36hrs after the PCBA completed batch of functional tests and assemble in to case. We found 1 unit was functioning for 24hours in the chamber, but hang after that. We tried to re-boot the

Water-soluble flux vs test socket cleaners?

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 13 18:06:08 EDT 2015 | caurbach

I'm not familiar with any "test socket cleaners", but I will tell you that water soluble flux is designed for a soldering application so it requires heat to activate. Not sure how effective it would be at removing oxides at room temperature. Second

piercing of test vias at ICT

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 15 15:02:37 EST 2002 | MA/NY DDave

OK I know it is funny to have two different PWB/PCB processes, one for pre production and one post production yet it is possible if controlled and implemented in a strategy. In debug if your company's experience has been for a repeated need to do IC

dendritic growth

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 14 04:01:08 EST 2004 | paul_fisher

We have a problem with dendritic growth that is affecting a new board going into production. This is of concern because they were subjected to Damp Heat Cyclic Tests as part of the product validation testing during their development. Fails to date

Re: ESD Floor Tile

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 13 07:57:27 EDT 1999 | Mark Quealy

| | | | I am looking for suppliers of ESD floor coverings. I currently have ESD carpet and I would like to replace them with ESD Tile. Help Me | | | | | | | | MD Cox | | | | | | | | Try a search in the archives. A while back someone asked for

HASL board for Press Fit

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 23 10:45:40 EST 2007 | saaitk

We have used 2 lubricants in the past. The first was Isopropal alcohol, this has issues with regard to H&S but can be quite effective. Most of our product at the time we encountered this problem were washed in a semi aqueous system before shipping. A

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