Electronics Forum: damper (Page 1 of 1)

minimum solder ball (bead) size

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 06 15:45:18 EDT 2006 | slthomas

Yep. What I'm really looking for is the minimum radius of curvature for 63/37, which is a function of it's surface tension. It's physical properties issue, not an agency issue. I've seen some references that I have interpreted to mean that it's some

Vitronics XPM1 problem

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 14 13:48:18 EDT 2013 | cyber_wolf

The entire oven is clean there are no blockages and the heater plates are brand new. I have worked with Vitronics technical support and gone through this thing with a fine tooth comb. I have even gone as far as to compare the exhaust and intake cap c

New Facility Advise/Questions

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 06 13:49:14 EST 2020 | slthomas

A lot of people also assume that the filtration is for cleanliness of the gasses that are leaving the plant, and that is not the case. I helped spec. (like you, Rob, I let someone else do the math) a system like yours, with a single common main trun

Re: Wave Solder Fluxing

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 27 10:15:54 EST 1998 | Chrys

| We have installed a Sonoflux atomized mist fluxing unit (Model 9500)on our Future 1 wave solder machine. We are concerned that the retrofitting of this unit may not have been appropriate for our equipment, as we are now experiencing many problems

Re: Time to use alternative finishing ???

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 13 06:23:06 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| | We have a product, with various PWBs, with over 600 parts each one (We are a low Volume/high mix company with an average component placement per PCB between 250 to 300 parts). This PWBs have 7 to 10, 20 mils pitch parts. We are having problems wi


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