Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 06 10:39:43 EST 2000 | Engineer
What's the bad rap on IR? I know that ERSA has a dark IR that they say heats evenly. I worry about the entire location being heated though.
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 06 10:39:43 EST 2000 | Engineer
What's the bad rap on IR? I know that ERSA has a dark IR that they say heats evenly. I worry about the entire location being heated though.
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 15 18:16:15 EDT 2001 | Shindler
Hi Larry- Be wary of which IR systems you use, dark IR (ERSA) maintains only the positive effects of infrared use in that this infrared medium wavelength has the optimal absorbtion/reflection ratio between light and dark colors. Therby, guaranteeing
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 30 14:57:43 EDT 2000 | John Thorup
Hello Craig Are code dates other than these two coming apart or do they stay together? If other dates stay together you should get together with RFM. Did the process work before and and the defects just start happening? These are pictured on the RFM
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 12 15:11:20 EST 1999 | Earl Moon
| | I have an Electrovert UPK 660c fitted with IR preheats top and bottom. We assemble a large range of multilayer backplanes and I was wondering if there are any advantages in changing to convection preheats.Has anybody got any views on the subject.
Electronics Forum | Wed May 21 13:26:46 EDT 2003 | Brian W.
Something else to keep in mind when you reflow using an IR (non-convection) oven. IR reflow is more susceptible to variations in board mass and coloration than convection ovens. Hi mass areas and dark colored parts will cause more variation in your
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 16 09:01:18 EDT 2007 | Steve
The best station I've ever worked with is a focused IR station from PDR. The station that I had was called a; "Lightmaster Pro". They have a different model name now, but you can see a datasheet for it at: http://www.pdr.co.uk/Datasheets/PDRX410-IR-
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 09 14:51:08 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon
| Does anyone have thoughts on BGA rework. We now use the OK BGA 3000 and now am considering an Infrared machine. Any thoughts? | I've used Pace, Conceptronic and, now, SRT machines. Bottom side IR is OK. Better thermal balance is achieved with hot
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 22 14:21:13 EST 2004 | James Dornan of APE Inc
A little late but if this subject is still of interest the following paper from APE may be of interestwhen considering IR to Air Bath: HOT AIR versus IR and other convection Rework Systems HOT AIR is the most popularly chosen method of rework in th
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 15 15:51:21 EST 2006 | RJ K.
I have been looking into buying a rework station like ERSA or PDR. What I am questioning is how well will these systems reflow BGA's with metal top/cover that are reflective. In addition, when preheating the board would dark body packages absorb te