Electronics Forum: data i/o$ (Page 1 of 2)

CP40CV No command response from handler, data to DPRAM failed

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 07 11:33:25 EST 2020 | ecogroup

Getting these errors: No command response from handler (0x1000) .... DpBlockWriteL: TimeOutWait for ACK .... Loading SYSTEM data to DPRAM is failed ..... Failed to create empty document ..... No command response from handler (0xffff) ..... Faile


Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 17 09:06:18 EST 1998 | Dave F

| Dear SMTNETers, | | I need help in the following subject : | | Copying of a pre-programmed master EEprom DIP 8 leads from AMTEL to many other IC's ( Gang Copier ), without using any PC media, in other words ,i need the old style cheap IC copi

Universal GSM1 startup error

Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 08 09:45:11 EDT 2015 | edwaterfall01

It would be helpful to know what happened before the error occurred. Do you have another machine so that you can swap some boards? The Force CPU, (machine controller) located in the VME, is responsible for controlling all machine-related activities.

Topaz X error

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 12 12:47:02 EST 2019 | slthomas

Someone with some more definitive knowledge of these machines will no doubt chime in at some point, but my thought was that the "A-table" is just a data table that stores I/O information. Thus, being "off in A-table YV100X:N2323 YV100XT:n2223" just m

Re: Computer Integrated Manufacturing

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 02 03:39:09 EST 1999 | cklau

FABmaster gold version can read many kinds of CAD data i.e Zuken CADSTAR , PADS ,Mentor Graphics, Cadence and etc and the best place that could find great information for manufacturing is thru the CAD data.FABmaster actually act as a multiple i/o for


Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 21 10:45:45 EST 2012 | acsscott

Thanks for the password. There is a 7 pin connector for the Emergency stop in and out. It has a mate with a jumper wire attached to the Topaz end. If you put the jumpered mating connector on this, the emergency stop errors go away. The other conn

Philips / Assembleon / Yamaha Topaz Xii start up issue - handshake error

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 17 10:46:16 EDT 2014 | bestglobalsmt

When the machine loads up it gets to the 2nd to last step where it starts to load vacuum data - we get 4 pop up windows once that fails. Ea2510 Machine Start error - Machine cannot be started Es00212 APPL CPU Haandshake error Ea2504 I/O Data trans

Sigh! - Fuji IP4000 Problem

Electronics Forum | Mon May 10 01:20:07 EDT 2004 | longpham246

Hello! Check your stopper up/down sensor position. This problem has nothing to do with the proper data. Sometimes the sensor position is not correct or sensor contact could cause this problem even I/O mode was OK. Regards! LMQ

Samsung CP40CV VME Issue

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 27 06:59:58 EDT 2012 | JB

We have an issue with our Samsung Pick & Place. It comes up with errors. No sequence-finished from handler (%1) Loading SYSTEM data to DPRAM is failed Failed to create empty document No command response from handler. (0xffff) We have tried swap


Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 21 10:15:07 EST 2012 | vinitverma

Forgot to mention. To disable the LCS you need to disable it in the machine config - by changing Tray Changer to NONE. Of course for this you will need the password which is "specialist". After setting this in the software, you also need to remove t

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