Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 20 13:56:18 EST 2014 | rgduval
Brendan, Unfortunately, I no longer have MYData equipment in my shop (I moved to a new company), so, I can't help with finding part numbers. I do know that you can buy the motor/counter units separately on the open market..and, I think you can buy
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 09 09:41:32 EDT 2011 | brianp
We just blew a Elmo power supply board on our MyData 12E placement machine. Can anyone suggest a supplier of spare electronic parts? We are down and MyData Inc. says that this part's lead time is 2 weeks. HELP! The MyData p/n for this board is K-029-
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 14 12:57:45 EDT 2014 | rgeary
Does anyone know what the following error indicates on a MyData My12 running 2.9.2. "F-MOT-MSETDYN C/156"?
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 14 13:49:26 EDT 2014 | dyoungquist
Motor control MSETDYN -> Initiate axis C -> Centering jaws 156 -> Motor timeout Did not reach specified position Hardware problem Looks like you have something wrong with the movement of your centering jaws.
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 14 15:07:43 EDT 2014 | rgeary
Yes, thank you. Found out that machine ran over two parts to tall and damaged the cover plate over the centering.
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 08 15:39:10 EDT 2024 | mistrthou
The error is: MOT-Command/205: Motor speed out of control Motor speed deviates from expected speed. – Problem with power supply, motor current too low. – Mechanical problem, friction too high or tool stuck in Z. I'd be looking at excessive friction
Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 03 14:44:12 EDT 2021 | rgduval
Meh...it's a Linux command line....but commonly referred to as a dos prompt. When I started on MyDatas, no one really knew what Linux was....
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 10 11:32:52 EST 2014 | rgduval
Hi, Hans, I would have suggested swapping the MOT card out to see if that fixes the issue (or, changing the MOT card with another one to isolate the card), but, it sounds like you've already done that. I'm surprised that MyData would point you towa
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 15 19:56:18 EST 2012 | rgduval
I would have said it sounded like a motor/encoder problem...but, since you found the broken resistor, that was likely the source of your issue. The resistor and capacitor are a filter for the motor, MyData likes to put them on nearly all of the moto
Electronics Forum | Sun Oct 11 10:00:11 EDT 2015 | brockparry
if you are facing a problem to send the data to your machine then you must check the driver part of your machine if you are sending it through any software. Also check the power status of the machine. You can also go for one simple method by doing Re