Electronics Forum: dataplace label 12.machine (Page 1 of 1)

Online Label printing & placement

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 09 08:37:38 EDT 2016 | williamaxler

Amistar Dataplace is an inline label printing and placing machine. I have used one in the past will good results. http://www.amistarautomation.com/data_place.htm

Automated Labeling for SMT Assembly

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 19 02:38:06 EDT 1999 | JohnJ

I'm looking to automate my PCB labeling. I've looked into a couple of machines but haven't seen much to spark my interest. A friend working for Solectron mentioned a pick & place style machine called the Dataplace he had heard of but didn't have any

Re: Automated Labeling for SMT Assembly

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 28 18:35:58 EDT 1999 | Dave L

JohnJ, Contact Amistar Corporation to find out more about the DataPlace 100LP. I've personally seen it, and other competing machines, in action in production environments...unlike the others, it is a FAST, extremely reliable, well-engineered, and fle


Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 20 12:09:34 EST 2003 | dlynch

Scott (and others), Sorry I didn't see this thread earlier in the year. Contact Amistar with your needs. We continue to be alive and well. Our service organization hasn't skipped a beat through this tough economy. We're staffed to provide Tenryu, I-


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