Electronics Forum: dct vs pbt (Page 1 of 1)

Alpha tetra bond stencils vs Vigon SC200

Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 05 07:00:31 EDT 2015 | vitrost

After washing a tetra bond stencil at PBT machine (Vigon SC200, 50 deg Celsius by 20 minutes) some signs of glue degradation were seen. Does anybody have an experience washing tetra bond in Vigon? What temperature regime is preferable? Thanks

Nordson Dage XD7600NT vs Nikon XTV160

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 03 17:50:53 EDT 2014 | rboguski

We use it almost exclusively in manual mode for PCBA failure analysis. Our main purpose is to find head-in-pillow defects; secondarily incomplete wetting of ball to substrate. In two years of almost continuous use we have only had occasion to use t

Automatic stencil cleaning system

Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 03 08:12:12 EST 2024 | dimamalin

Hello everyone, our choices are between: 1.Aqube MV3 One (Kolb Cleaning Technology) 2.X30 (Austin American Technology) 3.N29AUTO (MBtech) 4.Inget 388 CRD-2PR (DCT) 5.MiniSWASH (PBT) Any opinions, suggestions, and comments regarding this choice


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