5 de-fluxers results

Electronics Forum: de-fluxers (Page 1 of 1)

Stencil Cleaners

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 04 11:43:06 EDT 2006 | Mike Konrad

Here's a "flameless" reply... I�ll allow others to recommend� Here is a list of the �usual suspects�: Aqueous Technologies Batch and inline de-fluxers Ultrasonic stencil cleaning systems De-fluxing and stencil cleaning chemicals www.aqueoustech.co

PCBA Cleaning rags

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 31 14:41:21 EDT 2010 | cbart

We are looking for lint free rags to clean our circuit boards with. We use these when processing no-clean flux the operators will use a de-fluxer apply it to a rag and use a brush along with the rag to pull the flux from the board. Does anyone have a

Ultrasonic wash for BGA

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 05 12:10:36 EDT 2017 | duchoang

Thank you for your replies. We use No-Clean Paste and some customers do not want any residue left around solder joint even so, so little. They want the residue washed completely. If we use water-soluble flux, we still need to wash, anyway. Their conc

Cleaning after rework, no clean flux

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 26 23:59:48 EST 2003 | Mike Konrad

Grant, No-Clean paste + IPA = White Residue! #1: Stop using IPA #2: Switch to either a solvent-based de-fluxing chemical or an aqueous-based de-fluxing chemical. If you are using an ultrasonic cleaner for your boards as stated, do not use sapon

Need your help in buying a new PCB cleaning machine.

Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 13 15:23:03 EST 2005 | Mike Konrad

There are several manufacturers of batch-format de-fluxing systems. Here is a list of them: Aqueous Technologies http://www.aqueoustech.com (909) 944-7771 Batch and Inline UnitDesign http://www.unitdesign.com (714) 672-9944 Batch Austin American T


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