Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 07 11:38:04 EST 2000 | Dason C
Please advsie what kind of the solder paste which you are using and we have experience when using Alpha WS609 and found a lot of foaming. Beside, are you using the spray fluxer for your wave or not? If you have spray fluxer then you don't need to u
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 25 18:54:16 EST 2004 | Mike Konrad
A surfactant (AKA detergent) is great for OA flux removal applications. It has a good surface tension reducing property and is more easily rinsed than soaps. If using a soap or surfactant, be sure that you choose one that has a good de-foaming pack
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 09 01:41:35 EDT 2004 | Mike Konrad
Although water soluble (OA) flux is technically the easiest flux to remove, it is also the most damaging type of flux if not removed. A dishwasher lacks the pressure and nozzle design to produce the very small water particle size required for thorou
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