Electronics Forum: de-soldering (Page 1 of 3)

Soldering Test Interview

Electronics Forum | Wed May 04 19:59:42 EDT 2005 | thaqalain

My recruiter sent me for wave soldering,but company tested me for hand de-soldering.

Pace DeSoldering Tips

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 30 09:24:55 EDT 2006 | cbudzinski

Has any one seen any problems with the Pace tips sence the tips went Lead Free, We are going through 2 to 3 times more tips sence they went to lead free tips.

Pace DeSoldering Tips

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 30 09:56:58 EDT 2006 | solderite

Lead Free solder is definately more corrosive on solder tips. You might look at the testimonials on lead free soldering tips at leadfreesolderingstations.com

Thermocouple Repair Tips

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 18 10:55:53 EST 2002 | cebukid

Okay here's what happened. We've got a "bonepile" of old obsolet profile boards with thermocouples attached. I asked the production Supervisor, could he have one of his people DE-SOLDER the T/C's, put them in a bag, and give them to me. So, what h

removing solder from a 0.015" hole

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 26 18:48:01 EST 2003 | kennyg

I'm trying to solder a 0.011" lead into a 0.015" +/-0.003" hole. Stop laughing please. This is normally possible with difficulty, except if the lead is removed and the attempt is made to re-install a lead. Anyone have thoughts on how to remove nea

Multiple reflow cycles

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 21 20:21:41 EST 2003 | Grant

Hi, I can verify that, and we have done 2 or more reflows with prototypes, using vapor phase reflow, and because there is no oxygen, the result is good, and you cannot tell the difference between the first reflow, and the 3rd. We are getting a vap

How to take care of crystal

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 26 07:13:05 EDT 2007 | callckq

Hi Experts, Understand from my friends, PTH crystal can get damage easily when subject to vibration or heat..For example, if crystal drop from table to floor, its internal part already damage @ crack which cannot be seen by eye. Besides, they als

BGA Reworking on the cheap?

Electronics Forum | Mon May 12 16:31:39 EDT 2008 | tsvetan

Hi, there are different BGA packages, it's not same to rework LFBGA with 0.5 mm step and BGA with 1.27 mm step for instance basically you will be able to de-solder the BGA with hot air and proper nozzle which distributes the heat even on the BGA pa

Rework Station for SMD PCBs

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 14 09:48:56 EST 2012 | rway

It depends on what type of packages you will be working with. Will you be working with BGA/LGA devices or QFP. For QFP, Pace is a really good system. I would recommend a power supply with 3 ports: iron, de-solder, and hot air. You can replace mos


Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 21 12:08:36 EDT 2000 | Dason C

Hi! I had experience with my customer complain about the delamination on BGA. The first question, I will ask my customer how they removed the parts and de-cap (my customer is using de-cap instead of SEM, I prefer SEM). Most of the customer which I

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