Electronics Forum: decided (Page 1 of 85)

Stencil Life Identification

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 04 13:27:14 EST 2013 | pradeep_selec

Hi, How can the life of the stencil be decided? As the stencil is used contineously the thickness go on decreasing. How are you all deciding the life of stencil? As visually its dificult to deide the solder paste deposited thickness, is there any t


Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 27 14:47:07 EST 2000 | peterq

How do you decide who has the best training programs available, or are our choices limited?

Re: I'm baaack!

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 28 11:13:57 EDT 1999 | Nancy V

I am glad you decided to stay with us. Keep dreaming about Mexico. Nancy

Leaded and Lead-Free Wave Parameters

Electronics Forum | Wed May 21 15:07:34 EDT 2008 | realchunks

I was going to say something - but decided to let it go.

AOI Machines...........

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 09 16:38:20 EST 2005 | Csommers

I looked at Yestech and Mirtec. Evaluated both products and decided for Mirtec. After using the system for a couple of months I decided to send it back. There is a lot of problems with bugs in the software, falls calls are in the high numbers and the

Changing Ni/Au finish to HASL lead free

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 04 10:40:41 EST 2011 | johanhuizing

Hello Piter, I don't know which type of HASL we will be using, we decided to do some test and I have to decide together with two other people which material we will try. Searching on the internet i discovered that it's not so easy to find a good sol

Dross Eliminator

Electronics Forum | Thu May 04 14:33:26 EDT 2017 | sumote

If you are doing contract manufacturing you may need to get permission, or at least disclose the foreign material you are introducing into the solder bath. I looked at it and decided the potential problems it could cause were not worth the time it wo

Possible to mix a No-Clean solder and a Clean solder process

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 09 11:34:59 EDT 2018 | emeto

definitely don't mix clean and No clean. Run No Clean as you decided, but have your flux and paste manufacturers advice, how this flux can be cleaned(if you decide or required to clean). I know for a fact that some of these NC flux residues are almos

Re: Installing a new line

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 14 20:55:19 EST 2000 | Thomas Ravener

You need to decide what types of processes you need to run right now. What is the mix of different devices and what volume is required for each product. Are you doing a mixed technology board (SMT & PTH) or just SMT. Are there fine pitch devices (und

Re: Quad IIc, Autoprogram

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 26 10:14:28 EDT 2000 | Wolfgang Busko

Once you have those centroid-data you can do almost everything with them in a spreadsheet. I did it over the years many times getting what I needed. Just needs a little brainwork and a great knowledge of your p�n�p equipments configuration. You have

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