Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 31 11:48:36 EST 2019 | emeto
Hello experts, I have a 50mmx50mm LGA on a PCBA. I Would like to decrease voiding in these joints and I wanted to hear about your techniques to decrease voiding. Stencil is currently 5mil. SAC305. ENIG finish.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 29 09:00:56 EDT 2004 | Bryan Sherh
Some short happens between the balls of CPU socket in my site.we decrease the reflow time from about 90sec to 50 sec and decreased the fail rate of short.but x-ray shows balls from part of the Ball array deformed....we can't further decrease the time
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 24 20:45:01 EST 2000 | Todd Woods
1.4 seconds. We found a step function decrease at 1 second.
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 18 22:01:46 EST 1999 | Dave F
100 sec) and decrease reflow temp to 205C.
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 23 06:54:06 EDT 2003 | davef
100 sec) and decrease reflow temp to 205C.
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 15 15:11:17 EDT 2010 | patrickbruneel
And cars.................
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 25 10:42:07 EDT 2000 | slowe
We currently have the first version of formflex and had nothing but problems with the pins sticking. Dek now has a new version which is supposed to have eliminated the sticky pin problem. These will be replacing the first generation formflex. Until w
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 18 12:58:07 EDT 2001 | jacob
Hello, We recently changed a component on one of our products from a .5% 1206 resistor to a .1% resistor. I noticed that there was a greater rejection rate of the .1% resistor during placement. Apparently the thickness of the .1% resistor is less th
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 09 17:12:43 EDT 2005 | thaqalain
Capacitor working voltage One very important rating of capacitors is "working voltage". This is the maximum voltage at which the capacitor operates without leaking excessively or arcing through. This working voltage is expressed in terms of DC but th
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 22 08:11:36 EST 2005 | davef
It sounds like you're exhausing your flux activity on this component proir to reflow. We'd start with the reflow recipe suggested by your paste supplier. If the component lead doesn't flow well try: * Raising the peak temperature in 5*C increments.