Electronics Forum: dek 248 needs service (Page 1 of 4)

dek 248 carriage travel error

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 21 19:35:38 EDT 2018 | dekhead

Not sure what blowing an airline would have to do with this; I sent you an email to get information on machine specifics for the procedures you need.

Dek 248 Setup - San Jose, CA

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 08 15:26:17 EDT 2012 | aex

I am looking for a technician that can setup a Dek 248 in San Jose, CA sometime next week. It just needs to be set up, powered and have a quick demo of operation. Please contact me if you are able to provide this service or know someone who can. T

Dek 248 Install Time

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 26 19:00:34 EDT 2012 | aex

Weird question, but I need it for a claim. About how long does it take to assemble, plug in the power and dry cycle a DEK 248 with vision. I'm saying 90 minutes to two hours tops. Additional opinions would be greatly appreciated.

Anyone with 2001 era DEK 248 experience?

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 20 10:16:58 EDT 2008 | dekhead

248 Table In/Out is pneumatic (as stated), but I think Shane is referring to Print Carriage which is electrical with positional "encoder" feedback. Need to check for feedback display in output dignostic.


Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 05 17:38:27 EDT 2006 | flipit

I have a lot of experience on 1995 vintage Dek 248 and Dek 249. The 1995 to 1997 vintage were not the best. If Dek has improved them, great! If not, then I would not buy one. Dek 265 is a great printer. Dek did not put a lot of support into Dek


Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 16 17:11:08 EDT 2006 | dekhead

The 248 is a good machine, but I would look at a used one (the CE or CER package)... The latest (the CERD) is a nightmare as far as servicability (pretty cover package, impossible to get into to work on)... and the software (if it is a non-vision mac

Tooling for double sided SMT

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 18 09:52:36 EDT 2005 | pjc

FormFlex and the GridLok system will not work on a semi-automatic printer. They were designed for fully automatic machines. The print table is very shallow on the DEK 248, SMTechs and MPM SPM, UP100 and MicroFlex. DEK should have magnetic base suppor

DEK 265

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 01 16:02:26 EDT 2018 | ppatel1212

I'm not much familiar with DEK. Once i turn ON machine it will keep rebooting itself over and over. I need to find local service provider for DEK. if any know please try contact me we are located in N.Attleboro, MA .


Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 24 12:43:06 EDT 2013 | smtventasmex

Do you still have this issue this guy is ok you need to run the MMINT, if you continue having this problem i can offer the service of repair it we were trained from DEK we used to work for de feel free to contact me for parts or support vhmadero@smtv

Advice Needed between a DEK 265GSX and a MPM UP3030!

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 09 20:14:29 EDT 2006 | marcelll

I'm repairing SMT for 20 years and I've worked with both machines. From my experience, I always had a bunch of problems with DEK printer and the service is terrible if your not a big one. MPM is more reliable, parts cheaper & service much better. Pro

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