Electronics Forum: dek 248 with vision (Page 1 of 3)

Dek 248 Install Time

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 26 19:00:34 EDT 2012 | aex

Weird question, but I need it for a claim. About how long does it take to assemble, plug in the power and dry cycle a DEK 248 with vision. I'm saying 90 minutes to two hours tops. Additional opinions would be greatly appreciated.

Anyone with 2001 era DEK 248 experience?

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 19 13:51:48 EDT 2008 | shanenaturalpoint

Just wanted to check and see if anyone out there has experience with 2001 era DEK 248 screen printers. Trying to set up a new (to me)machine, and I'm running into a bit of trouble. Please help!

Anyone with 2001 era DEK 248 experience?

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 19 14:13:24 EDT 2008 | jax

I am sure someone here can help. What is your question?

Anyone with 2001 era DEK 248 experience?

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 20 06:33:16 EDT 2008 | benefon

If this is machine is of the same type of construction as our 248 with the pneumatic table sliding mechanism, check the 'table out sensor' in the 'digital inputs' section of the diagnostics menu. rgds AR

Anyone with 2001 era DEK 248 experience?

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 20 10:16:58 EDT 2008 | dekhead

248 Table In/Out is pneumatic (as stated), but I think Shane is referring to Print Carriage which is electrical with positional "encoder" feedback. Need to check for feedback display in output dignostic.

Anyone with 2001 era DEK 248 experience?

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 19 14:24:22 EDT 2008 | shanenaturalpoint

My first problem is that when the unit homes, the print carriage seems to be traveling too far back. After the carriage reaches its mechanical limit, it continues to try and move back, eventually throwing up a print carriage error. Any ideas?

Anyone with 2001 era DEK 248 experience?

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 20 11:59:24 EDT 2008 | shanenaturalpoint

Got it. The whole carriage travel area had to be recalibrated. Not very familiar with this unit, but I stumbled through it. Thanks for all of your help. Shane

SMT BGA capable oven and stencil printer.

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 03 13:48:38 EST 2007 | mariusro

Hi Krebbe, Why not trying DEK 248 with vision. It's a semiautomatic printer with fully fine pitch capability, works just fine!

Complete Squeegee Clamps with Blades - DEK248 Available

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 14 11:37:49 EST 2019 | tcpds

Do you still have the dek248 squeegee clamps/blades? please direct email me at thart@prairiedigital.com

Complete Squeegee Clamps with Blades - DEK248 Available

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 04 12:02:03 EDT 2019 | spinn

Hi all, Just to add further information to this post. We have 10 inch (250mm)and 19 inch (480mm) Dek 248 complete printer squeegee clamps with blades. On the 250mm one blade has a very slight kink though shouldnt cause a problem. Offers welcome

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