Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 26 13:42:14 EDT 2013 | nucleus
Hi, we just bought a used dek infinity 265. Unfortunately we cannot find a programming manual. We have two big technical references and a operator manual. Is there someone who has a pdf-version of the programming manual? Thanks! Best regards mts
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 26 17:46:48 EDT 2013 | dman97
numeric values are input by pressing the / key.
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 26 13:44:37 EDT 2013 | nucleus
by the way: How can I input numeric values by keyboard instead of pressing value +/- all the time? thanks!
Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 06 00:43:22 EST 2008 | dman97
Thanks for all the replies. I figured it out. The password was 265 gsx.
Electronics Forum | Fri May 26 02:22:18 EDT 2000 | Sal
Generally a good and safe option when selecting a printer, A rhobust machine with good process capabilities. We print anything from 0402's to CCGA's using proflow, as well as print adhesive with no problems. The 265 ranges from the MK1 TO Infinity mo
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 26 11:29:49 EST 2008 | floydf
The password on our DEK 260 is DEK1. Hopefully that will work on yours.
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 23 09:44:09 EDT 2018 | midware
Hi. Please help. On DEK 265 GSX i've got on the monitor message: "DEK 265 GSX Motor comms failure, card 1, axis 123 fatal error." F1-F8 doesn't work, machine cant start. No result after Reinitialise machine. Which one is this card1? Is it in PC?
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 05 13:49:13 EST 2008 | wavemasterlarry
Our Dek passwaord is SMELLS Hope this helps
Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 08 13:05:01 EDT 2013 | stanb
Does anyone have software discs for a 1999 DEK 265 GSX? We had a disc failure without a backup.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 16 12:32:59 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon
Howdy 2, I am using my first DEK GSX PRINTER. Looks and acts good so far. Who know what - good, bad, or in between? Just want to get the facts from those who know. Earl Moon