Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 22 20:20:13 EDT 2012 | dekhead
You don't say which 265; presumbly since you say "bulb" it is either MK1 or GS with shuttered camera. Both those machines have potentiometers to control light levels. MK1 is on machine frame inside drop down (stencil load) door, near serial tag. GS
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 26 12:14:34 EDT 2017 | lefwan
Our DEK 265 machine is showing this error message during starting…than it keeps re-starting in endless loops: Diskette drive failure on drive A Fixed Disk Controller Failure Fast ready check - Version 1.0 Copyright Arcom Control Systems Ltd. CMOS
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 19 11:20:10 EST 2012 | aj
check for power going to the motor - trip switch at back of machine... Swap controller cards to see if the problem moves.
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 19 11:29:33 EDT 2011 | padawanlinuxero
Hello guys ! I have a problem with a DEK 265 GSX, sometimes after download the vision or during, I get this error message: Vision hardware error Controlled lighting not responding FATAL ERROR - REINITIALISE MACHINE Now for a few weeks it gave me
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 21 08:49:42 EST 2020 | emeto
I am sure you can upgrade it with DEK and it should not be so expensive. You can also ask them the price of the auto system. This is an arm(controlled by cylinder I think) and software to control it. This one moves the stencil in place when you load
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 30 22:48:17 EDT 2020 | dekhead
MM (MultiMove) cards are in the M19, Motor Control, crate (located front of machine, right side). MM's are the larger cards located on the far right side; X11, X12 and X13 slots (X11 slot is only used in Infinity, empty slot on Horizon / ELA).
Electronics Forum | Sun Jul 18 12:13:06 EDT 2021 | oriolsancheza
Hello, Our machine started to not stopping board into the right position (stop pin was not working we guess). After some inspection we have not seen anything strange. However the DEK software decided to not work anymore. We've been messing arrounf
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 24 09:20:25 EDT 2016 | dekhead
Suspect comms link error from Y3 to Y1 crate. COM 2 off of CPU, depending on board. If CPU board has RS485 port it is direct to back panel of PC; if older board it only has RS232 and thus requires 232/485 converter board (internal to PC). then direct
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 25 09:56:23 EDT 2008 | mysmt
Hello, we are using DEK265gsx printers, at the minute ARCOM unit is not communicating with motor control cards 0,1,2,3 in Y1 enclosure. Checked CPU & RS232/485 cards from other DEK265, found okay. Any help will be appreciated. Mysmt
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 12 01:14:46 EST 2019 | sabeti
Hello Everybody, I have a problem with a DEK 265Lt, during downloading the vision, I get this error message: Vision hardware error Controlled lighting not responding FATAL ERROR - REINITIALISE MACHINE I have found that this might be due to a broke