Electronics Forum: dek 265 lt(gsx) pcib40 (Page 1 of 1)

DEK 265LT problem

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 30 11:05:57 EDT 2018 | dekhead

Failure on PCIB40#3; try swap with PCIB40#5. Will need to change addressing (jumpers or rotary SW).

DEK 265LT problem

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 30 17:31:59 EDT 2018 | dekhead

That error message is keyed by a hardware (soldered) link on the backplane board of the Y1 (motor controls), through direct cable to PCIB40#3... check connections both ehds; possibility of multiple PCIB failures?

DEK 265LT problem

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 31 17:24:33 EDT 2018 | erici

There is a hardware dongle at the back of the machine. Is this the hardware link (key) you are referring to? Ok i will check the cables to PCIB40#3. Thanks again

DEK SMEMA to UIC Conveyor

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 23 09:30:22 EDT 2009 | dekhead

It isn't clear if it was working and stopped, or if this is the first time you've tried to make it work. If this is first try, need to confirm cards and cables on DEK, and what interface is configured on UIC. I have SMEMA cards in stock if needed. P

DEK 265LT problem

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 31 22:32:35 EDT 2018 | dekhead

Hardware dongle on back of machine is software key which may or may not be required for your software (depends on software version) and has nothing to do with the error you are experiencing. The hardware link to which I refer is on the Y1 backplane


Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 29 22:35:01 EDT 2016 | dekhead

Pneumatic failure is a good guess, as GSX/LT are renowned for their leaky airlines. However on this I would doubt, since the Board stop is a single throw pneumatic with a spring to retract. The return spring broken / disconnected is certainly a possi


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