Electronics Forum: dek 265 mint not loading (Page 1 of 2)

Dek 265

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 02 12:26:24 EST 2004 | kauer

cd{space}mint. At the mint directory type C:>MINT/load. Re-start using ctrl+alt+del when mint is finished loading, it will sayC:MINT/. Note: If your Machine comes back to life, Do Not turn off main power until You can replace those batteries, with t

Dek 265

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 02 13:14:11 EST 2004 | kauer

Hey, going to lunch now. Just for kicks, did you try to re-load Mint files? They may have been lost some other way, I have seen the DEK software do some crazy stuff in the past. Talk to You in a bit.

DEK 265

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 07 22:39:03 EST 2005 | Alan

Robert, you will have to re-load the MINT software. It only takes a couple of minutes to do this. This will fix out the errors. Refer to your DEK manuals on how to carry out this function. Cheers, Alan.

Dek 265

Electronics Forum | Wed May 03 08:43:51 EDT 2006 | Mark Fick

I have a DEK 265 with error code: motor comms failure.card 0, Axis123 fatal error-reinitialize machine during machine boost up I replaced new card 0 and still get the same error.I have tried to load the mint program but I cannot get program to abort

Dek 265

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 02 14:06:27 EST 2004 | jsk

I did reload mint. When i do this the machine runs fine for about 15 minutes, but i have to continue loading boards. If I let the machine idle for 3-5 minutes, i get the error. We are a low volume manufacturing company, so on a 20 piece run i will re


Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 24 00:01:23 EDT 2018 | leeg

Have you tried to re-load the MINT software 1st? Are the breakers in at the back of the machine?


Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 24 02:40:52 EDT 2018 | bukas

first check fuses in Y1 case. thats where EuroSYS cards are, and message you get tells you that cards can not communicate with main processing board in Y3 case via RS485. after that check cables and connectors. there are 4 EuroSYS cards in Y1 case, t

DEK 265 Printer Error

Electronics Forum | Tue May 27 04:52:25 EDT 2014 | hemant_pang23

Need help to resolve the problem in DEK265 paste printer The error messages are as per following details 1. When switch on the Machine we are getting error message like " Rising Table Error" -Position error. 2.While loading the Mint we are get

DEK 265 Printer Error

Electronics Forum | Tue May 27 15:11:13 EDT 2014 | dekhead

1. Rising Table Position error is, most commonly an issue of motor movement or sensor(s); Not receiving an expected input (sensor input / 'DONE' signal) in expected period of time. Try homing table in Diagnostics see if it moves and what movements ar

DEK 265 GSX missprint

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 22 13:00:37 EDT 2022 | bukas

hi, I have a 265GSX machine that prints firs PCB in batch correctly and then missprints the rest(there may be acceptable prints by accident). after hitting END RUN and RUN again, first PCB comes out perfect but others are bad. paste is randomly shift

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