Electronics Forum: dek 265lt rising table motor (Page 1 of 2)

DEK 265LT Rising Table Position Error

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 19 15:15:42 EDT 2006 | bigdaddysoy9

Have you tried changing the motor?

DEK 265LT Rising Table Position Error

Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 16 15:47:08 EDT 2006 | dekhead

95% possibility to the ballscrew... which is no ones favorite to replace. As far as the table situation now. I'm guessing that you have verified that the motor has power and the brake is not engaged. Does it still give a position error? or does it g

DEK 265LT Rising Table Position Error

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 19 10:30:54 EDT 2006 | dekhead

I think you may be remembering wrong. Timer circuit will normally cause table drop when system power is re-applied, not when it is removed.

DEK 265LT Rising Table Position Error

Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 16 15:52:32 EDT 2006 | magszoo

yes we already swapped the relays and they worked fine on the second machine. How would we verify it is the ballscrew if that is a possibility?

DEK 265LT Rising Table Position Error

Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 16 16:02:19 EDT 2006 | dekhead

You are as close as you can be to verified... my 95% being an understatement... In a world (and a machine) where there are no absolutes... it's as good as it gets. I can't offer absolutes... without going over things that I might consider obvious bu

DEK 265LT Rising Table Position Error

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 19 09:27:55 EDT 2006 | vikkaraja

It has been a while since I worked on one of this machine. I recall having a similar problem where a timer was the root cause of my problem. There is a break timer in the back of the machine, it may not be staying latched. Swaped this device and kee

DEK 265LT Rising Table Position Error

Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 16 12:49:36 EDT 2006 | magszoo

I'm hoping that someone may be able to shed some light on this error we've been getting on our DEK 265LT printer. Several months ago we began getting a "Rising table position error" after the operator would open the hood to load paste or after changi

Dek Horizon 265 Rising Table Motor

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 25 14:44:34 EDT 2013 | falvarez

Im needing an Rising table motor for Dek Horizon, but with a 4000 count encoder, because that motor i bought become with a 1000 count encoder and not worked. any suggestion?

Dek Horizon 265 Rising Table Motor

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 26 07:21:07 EDT 2013 | falvarez

thanks!! confirmed!

Dek Infinity - Rising Table Error (Position Error) during start up

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 10 12:21:20 EST 2023 | youngbuck

Also, tried swapping the Servo card. X7 which is the Rising table servo motor card, swapped with X8,9,10 which are all the same and same result.

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