Electronics Forum: dek 265lt squeegee (Page 1 of 18)

dek vision card

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 04 11:18:23 EDT 2003 | leonb

i need a dek 265lt vision card is there anyone who can help

DEK 248 squeegee error

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 14 10:23:32 EST 2013 | vincent_qms

Hello, we have a DEK 248 just acted up with the squeegee orror. unit powered up initiated and when throght setup a job fine but when we started printing, the back squeegee came down, touched the stencil, stay for about 5 second then came back up with

DEK 248 squeegee error

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 14 23:08:41 EST 2013 | dekhead

Squeegee error on a 248 is strictly that sensor (reed SW) on corresponding (Front / rear) squeegee cylinder is not seeing a change in state... Either a physical obstruction preventing cylinder from exending fully - OR- if it is extending fully, then

squeegee blade design

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 22 16:44:51 EDT 2003 | dave

Hi, I was wondering what are the differences between a "trailing edge" style squeegee and a "diamond section" edge style. What applications tend to favor one over the other? Thanks. We are using a DEK 265

DEK 248 squeegee error

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 14 13:10:58 EST 2013 | markhoch

I had this problem once a loooooooong time ago with a 248 that was at my previous place of employment. If I remember correctly, my issue was caused by a set screw on the drive gear that had worked itself loose. My issue was stright forward and quickl

DEK 248 squeegee error

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 15 21:52:06 EST 2013 | nikyta

Most likely it is a faulty cable in the e-chain . You can test it in diagnostic: lower the back squeege and manually move back and forth for its entire travel the print carriage while monitoring the sensor output of the squeege. You will see at some

Re: squeegee angle

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 06 10:30:48 EDT 1999 | Scott Davies

Tony Although I agree in principle with Dean that 45 Degrees would be ideal, most of the squeegees I have worked with have been 60 Degrees to the stencil surface. This seems to work best with metal squeegees when printing HASL boards, because the sl

Re: squeegee angle

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 07 11:42:16 EDT 1999 | Tony A

| Tony | | Although I agree in principle with Dean that 45 Degrees would be ideal, most of the squeegees I have worked with have been 60 Degrees to the stencil surface. This seems to work best with metal squeegees when printing HASL boards, because

DEK 265GSX squeegee travel distance

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 17 10:59:22 EDT 2011 | beta

yes there is - I think it is called front print limit & rear print limit

DEK 265GSX squeegee travel distance

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 16 20:29:12 EDT 2011 | dman97

Does anyone know if it is possible to change the distance that the squeegees travel? What i mean is... Is it possible to change where the squeegees start and stop during a print? Our squegees seem to stop right at the edge of the apertures and this

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