Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 12 03:57:57 EST 2019 | winston87
Hello , I would like to know if anyone has electrical schematics on the DEK 288 machine. Thank you
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 29 14:36:45 EDT 2001 | Craig P. Brown
Steve: The DEK model 288 was discontinued, and has been replaced by the Infinity. The 288 is still serviced by DEK, and spares are also available. I would welcome the opportunty to discuss both the 288 and the Infinity with you. I can be reached @ 90
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 26 11:18:41 EDT 2007 | ck_the_flip
But DEK's are the best printers out there!
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 26 10:53:25 EDT 2007 | chrisgriffin
Have no idea what that is, but I have a 288 here. Wanna buy it?
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 07 09:22:19 EDT 2001 | Hussman
I would look at other manufacturers.
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 12 07:18:16 EST 2019 | dekhead
Contact me directly; dekhead@att.net
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 22 20:46:10 EDT 2007 | nickh
I ran into an error with our DEK 288 machine, when I go to initialize the machine the following error occurs: Squeegee Height: Error Input Active. This occurs with or without a squeegee present, and I have tried restarting multiple times, but the sa
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 28 19:24:40 EDT 2001 | stefo
Hi all! We're looking to replace our ol' DEK 265 MK1 with a 288, and I was wondering if there are any users of this printer that have opinions (good, bad, or indifferent)aboutthis machine? Appreciate it!! -Steve Gregory-
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 03 22:58:55 EDT 2001 | Poon Man
Hi Steve, Our China plant is using DEK 288. The cycle time is very impressive. However, there are some imperfections make our engineers feel bother. Maintenance is a big problem. As the machine was discontinued, the immature design was not improved.
Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 09 21:14:25 EDT 2001 | stefo
I'm getting this printer for 25K...sure, it may have more bells and whistles than I'll ever use, but just wanted to learn if I was getting into something that I'd regret... -Steve-