Electronics Forum: dek and controller (Page 1 of 38)

Siemens Siplace 80S15 causing Line Controller to hang up, and 80S15 keeps waiting for machine data from Line controller

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 09 16:27:46 EDT 2020 | oxygensmd

Sadly, without line controller software you won't be able to load jobs to your machines. Check your mails later.

Siemens Siplace 80S15 causing Line Controller to hang up, and 80S15 keeps waiting for machine data from Line controller

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 16 14:08:44 EDT 2020 | sportsradar

Thank you for your reply. So the machine should preform a zero set without the line controller being turned ON? I never tried starting the machine first so I am unfamiliar with this. Thank you again. This community is great. Sincerely, Katrina

Siemens Siplace 80S15 causing Line Controller to hang up, and 80S15 keeps waiting for machine data from Line controller

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 05 17:28:37 EST 2020 | sportsradar

I am desperate. I have an 80S15 with a single line controller that we program with and control our 80S15 machine. Everything has been working great until last month. We have not done any changes, and no new programs or jobs. We went to start the PC

Siemens Siplace 80S15 causing Line Controller to hang up, and 80S15 keeps waiting for machine data from Line controller

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 18 16:15:49 EDT 2020 | emeto

Katrina, if the machine will zero on its own, there is nothing wrong with machine itself. You can now look into network cards in both line computer and line PC.

Siemens Siplace 80S15 causing Line Controller to hang up, and 80S15 keeps waiting for machine data from Line controller

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 09 14:16:37 EDT 2020 | oxygensmd

I used to work with S15/F3, was a 10 years ago. 1. Test your machine controllers and station controllers. Load the last program with actuell command. 2. You can check what happening in the SiPlace, switch the monitor to MC, let see all bootup perfec

Siemens Siplace 80S15 causing Line Controller to hang up, and 80S15 keeps waiting for machine data from Line controller

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 16 12:10:59 EDT 2020 | emeto

Katrina, it is one of both: 1. Communication error - try to initialize machine with line controller OFF. This should tell you if machine can initialize on its own and if the problem is on the machine. Try without the feeder carts, look at the cards

Siemens Siplace 80S15 causing Line Controller to hang up, and 80S15 keeps waiting for machine data from Line controller

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 09 16:28:48 EDT 2020 | sportsradar

Hello Sarason, Unfortunately the machine is no longer supported and we are such a small company we can not afford to replace this machine. Thank you for your advise, I will check for additional parts stuck in the machine (long shot but worth the time

Siemens Siplace 80S15 causing Line Controller to hang up, and 80S15 keeps waiting for machine data from Line controller

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 09 16:30:42 EDT 2020 | sportsradar

We have the software and our PC has been running the machine for approx 10 years. I just don't know why all of a sudden it decided to have this problem. :( Also I have the software if you think I can reinstall from the diskettes. Will check, and ag

Siemens Siplace 80S15 causing Line Controller to hang up, and 80S15 keeps waiting for machine data from Line controller

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 17 09:09:34 EDT 2020 | emeto

You should be able to operate/troubleshoot machine on its own. Not sure if you have to switch some key on the back to change the mode, or it will initialize on its own using the last program that has been loaded....it's been awhile. Line computer dow

Siemens Siplace 80S15 causing Line Controller to hang up, and 80S15 keeps waiting for machine data from Line controller

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 05 23:04:44 EST 2020 | sarason

My advice for what it is worth. Your description of the problem at first glance suggests a communication problem, now is it the bus, the SMT machine or the PC. The bus could have a short or an open. The PC could have a dud controller card. or so co

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