Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 19 05:32:26 EDT 2010 | patrich
i need teckhnicall documentation for dek camera type cba40,green 191011,s/n 200026,manufactured "CIBEROPTICS" ;thanks ;scuse me for my english, i am live in romania;GOOD DAY
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 21 11:51:28 EST 2013 | dekhead
Best guess, not knowing specifics of error, would be a vision system error... connection issue wrt camera. Does system respond properly (prompts to raise / lower head) upon reboot? Specific error information would help in troubleshooting. DEKHEAD
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 27 14:10:30 EDT 2016 | wkboyd
Our DEK printer camera dims as it moves during fiducial setup. Is there a fix for this?
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 22 11:26:19 EDT 2008 | mainenetservices
Does anyone out there know of anyone who can > repair the Green firewire camera (Cyberoptics) > off the Dek printers. I had 2 go bad and would > like to get them fixed if possible so I would > have backups. > > Thanks in Advance I can repair
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 18 02:09:14 EDT 2019 | emanuel
I have the same problem with a DEK Europa. Managed to find a solution?
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 10 04:12:01 EST 2005 | aj
Guys, I have a Dek Mk1-similiar to 265. I am having some intermittent problems with the Camera. The signal gets all fuzzy every now and again, by me disconnecting the power and reconnecting it works fine again . They are quite expensive to replace
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 09 22:54:35 EDT 2020 | dekhead
Most likely cause is Servo AC drop.
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 09 15:09:37 EDT 2020 | lesfarnacer
Hello everyone, need help please with my Dek vista, the camera hit the under screen when it went to stop position, I did the diagnostic and it did the same think only when it went to stop position . can someone help me with that please.
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 10 08:29:53 EST 2005 | jdengler
AJ, Dek recommended the replacement of the wire harnesses on the Mk1's often (I think anually). I never saw this problem on a Mk1 but many other odd problems due to breaks in the wire harness. They had this as a kit at one time but I haven't worke
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 09 14:41:55 EST 2018 | bsyeo
Hi All, Need some help on this. We have a strange problem with our Dek API. There is no camera vision but everything is able to initialize well. The vision works occassionally but most of the time it does not. We have checked the nextmove card, int