Electronics Forum: dek camera issues (Page 1 of 45)

dek infinity

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 21 11:51:28 EST 2013 | dekhead

Best guess, not knowing specifics of error, would be a vision system error... connection issue wrt camera. Does system respond properly (prompts to raise / lower head) upon reboot? Specific error information would help in troubleshooting. DEKHEAD

ciberoptics cba40, dek camera

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 19 05:32:26 EDT 2010 | patrich

i need teckhnicall documentation for dek camera type cba40,green 191011,s/n 200026,manufactured "CIBEROPTICS" ;thanks ;scuse me for my english, i am live in romania;GOOD DAY

camera problem with Quad IVc

Electronics Forum | Mon May 16 22:06:22 EDT 2011 | danaherr

Downward looking camera not working. swapped cables on board and upward looking camera works when plugged into downward camera's connection on video card. Thinking maybe a cable issue??? manually moved gantry all over trying to see if intermitent ope

dek 265 LT screen printer unable to detect the plate

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 20 21:13:32 EST 2018 | sabeti

Hi there, I have found another sensor and replaced it but the display still shows as "Insert Screen and Retry". Do you know what the issue would be? Thanks

Solder wetting issues

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 02 08:10:25 EST 2005 | Amol Kane

Davef and russ, thank you for your input The kester was selected due to a management decision, I shall recommend that other solder be tried out as well. davef, i'll try out the soldering iron......and also look for the green tint (didnt notice that

Fuji CP4&CP6 Placement issues

Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 29 11:54:06 EST 2006 | johnw

Hi Dax you want to run a cal card with good cad data on all machines then take the results and then alter the placement xy data to pull all machines into calibration. But make sure all the cameras are calibrated and the pam results are good and withi

sot363 placement issues

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 12 09:33:10 EDT 2006 | jdengler

We had a similar problem and needed to slow the cam speed. The surface of our component was rough so I suspect we did not get a good seal for the vacuum and the component was drifting on the nozzle after the camera. Jerry

sot363 placement issues

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 20 03:40:21 EDT 2006 | aj

All, Thanks for the advice. Turns out that the part was using the Wide View camera, switched to Narrow ,problem gone. aj...

Solder printing issues

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 08 14:58:59 EST 2002 | davef

On the board support issue: DEK and Ovation Products make board support things to get at the issue you describe. Ovation hosted an On-Board Forum on SMTnet a while ago.

Board support issues

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 20 15:12:47 EDT 2001 | ert002

No problem on the feedback. Should I just reply to the same thread or email you directly at DEK? This is my first time using this site, but I imagine they have the capability to attach files, pictures, etc. I will probably be completing the study

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