Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 29 09:56:34 EST 2008 | iantech
Hi all are any of you guys using Dek proflow catriges with senju paste, Just wondering what the temp should be for transport and storage ian
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 04 11:18:23 EDT 2003 | leonb
i need a dek 265lt vision card is there anyone who can help
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 18 02:45:06 EST 2013 | sara_npi
Hi What is "fatal error"? Every time when operator raise head to add cleaning paper or add solvent machine just hang like that. need to reboot machine. Pls advise Thanks.
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 21 11:51:28 EST 2013 | dekhead
Best guess, not knowing specifics of error, would be a vision system error... connection issue wrt camera. Does system respond properly (prompts to raise / lower head) upon reboot? Specific error information would help in troubleshooting. DEKHEAD
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 19 05:32:26 EDT 2010 | patrich
i need teckhnicall documentation for dek camera type cba40,green 191011,s/n 200026,manufactured "CIBEROPTICS" ;thanks ;scuse me for my english, i am live in romania;GOOD DAY
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 26 13:42:14 EDT 2013 | nucleus
Hi, we just bought a used dek infinity 265. Unfortunately we cannot find a programming manual. We have two big technical references and a operator manual. Is there someone who has a pdf-version of the programming manual? Thanks! Best regards mts
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 26 17:46:48 EDT 2013 | dman97
numeric values are input by pressing the / key.
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 13 17:43:16 EDT 2015 | loganting
how helpful is it to use alignment weighting over fiducial offsets ?
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 26 13:44:37 EDT 2013 | nucleus
by the way: How can I input numeric values by keyboard instead of pressing value +/- all the time? thanks!
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 13 17:11:23 EDT 2015 | loganting
2 fiducial alignment vs 3 fiducial alignment , any opinion ? When do we actually need the third fiducial for alignment ?