Electronics Forum: dek dek motor driver card (114025) (Page 1 of 4)

Dek 265 GSX motor comms failure ...

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 20 05:03:47 EDT 2012 | sunyb123

Dear sir, i have face same problem of motor Communication fail Card0,Card1,I Clean Whole card properly, change the battery new one ,reprogrammed mint, but Card 2&Card3 loaded the mint programmed but not in card 0 & card 1, Please suggest what to d

Dek 265 GSX motor comms failure ...

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 20 05:29:13 EDT 2012 | menatech

Hello, the cards have bit switches adresse from 0 to 3. Can you check them? Slot 1 is card 0, Slot 2 is card 1 .....

Dek 265 GSX motor comms failure ...

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 20 09:25:35 EDT 2012 | dekhead

If problem is jumping from card to card; my direction would be 5vdc level. generally like it to be min of 5.15vdc on the MINT cards (top lead of 7-segment display). www.dekhead.com

Dek 265 GSX motor comms failure ...

Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 25 16:40:09 EDT 2011 | cbroegger

Have been through the same problem with the eurostep cards. The missing communications with the cards, suggest that some acid leaked from the batteries have etched tracks/and or the serial converters (soic8) on the cards. In all cases, clean the card

Dek 265 GSX motor comms failure ...

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 22 10:11:47 EDT 2012 | menatech

if you download the mint program (maintance key switched and download via auto mode. Does is read the card correct and does it identifies the correct motor encoder?

Dek 265 GSX motor comms failure ...

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 11 19:53:28 EDT 2012 | dekhead

I believe the gentleman in India found a problem with one of the EuroSystem cards; AND then an issue with a corrupted PC MINT on the HDD... Seemingly resolved.

Dek 265 GSX motor comms failure ...

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 22 18:47:08 EDT 2011 | rodrigo

Hi all, We just got this machine and it is not fully functional. I read somewhere here that the folder mint has some useful stuff. I run mint and it said that it cannot communicate with card 0,1,2,3 (x1,x2,x3,x4). It said to make sure the cards are

DEK 265 motor com error, axis 1,2,3 fatal error

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 24 05:23:45 EDT 2016 | bukas

hello, DEK wont start and im getting this error message: motor com error, axis 1,2,3 fatal error, reinitialise machine. this happens about 30 sec after BIOSes are copied to shadow ram. euro sys cards are inserted properly and on segment display is s

DEK 265 motor com error, axis 1,2,3 fatal error

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 31 08:12:37 EDT 2016 | ttheis

Search for the bios or motherboard on ebay. Type in the part numbers you find on the boards and see if anything comes up. Often these are standard pc boards. I've repaired my old MPM by finding the cards on ebay cheap.

DEK 260 Stepper Motor Problem

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 11 17:06:55 EDT 2004 | M Deren

We have a DEK 260 with a intermittent table align stepper motor problem. The machine will work fine for awhile and then one of the table align motors starts either moving haphazardly in small increments back and forth or vibrates as if it wants to mo

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