Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 13 17:11:23 EDT 2015 | loganting
2 fiducial alignment vs 3 fiducial alignment , any opinion ? When do we actually need the third fiducial for alignment ?
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 13 17:43:16 EDT 2015 | loganting
how helpful is it to use alignment weighting over fiducial offsets ?
Electronics Forum | Fri May 29 06:50:04 EDT 2015 | buckcho
Hello, can you explain better what do you want to check? Alignment is done based on fiducial check and then you can do some offsets, based on the print. So I am not sure what do you want to say...
Electronics Forum | Fri May 29 14:19:14 EDT 2015 | dekhead
Offsets are there to for an alignment change over the entire board... alignment weighting is, essentially to account for imperfect match between stencil and board, and will allow you to concentrate best alignment to a given portion of the board (give
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 30 15:27:07 EST 2020 | williamrobbins
Go to the "manual" tab and change the shape of your search area to square or whatever shape you need. When you go back to "Auto" that search area should still be whatever shape you chose while in manual mode. Hope this helps.
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 09 15:40:03 EST 2020 | richardcargill
Our Horizon 03i developed a strange fault while I was away. The 'red square' fiducial search area has turned into a red letter box shape, slightly narrower than the actual fiducial it's trying to find. No idea who did this - anyone know how i can red
Electronics Forum | Mon May 16 20:04:33 EDT 2022 | rob1
Thanks for the reply.
Electronics Forum | Mon May 02 21:26:23 EDT 2022 | rob1
I have a problem with DEK 265 Horizon. During camera being homed after checking the fiducials, the camera failed to home properly and crashed into the back of the machine in the Y direction. I homed the camera in the Y and it appeared OK and I could
Electronics Forum | Mon May 16 13:15:16 EDT 2022 | richardcargill
The camera crashing is usually a fault with the encoder on the Y motor assembly. someething to do with not finding a home pulse I think. Anyway, replace the motor/encoder and recalibrate and you should be good to go
Electronics Forum | Tue May 03 16:36:09 EDT 2022 | dwl
I don't know anything about DEKs so while you wait for a more informed response, here are a few brain droppings... Did something get knocked loose on the camera assembly? give everything a wiggle test and make sure it stays in place. Is the encoder